Please note: The Adur Local Plan 2017 was adopted on 14th December 2017 and supersedes the previous Adur District Local Plan 1996.
Go to the current Adur Local Plan 2017
Adur Local Plan Examination
The rest of this page contains the documents relating to the Adur Local Plan Examination:
You may have been looking for the documents relating to the:
Adoption of the Adur Local Plan
A report seeking the approval of the Adur Local Plan will be taken to a meeting of the Adur Executive on 4th December 2017, and then to Adur Full Council on 14th December 2017 for adoption. Once adopted, this will replace the saved policies of the Adur Local Plan 1996 as the Council's Local Plan. The new Local Plan sets the strategic development and land-use priorities for Adur (outside the South Downs National Park) up to 2032, and contains the policies against which development management decisions within that area will be made.
Please note:
The Adur Local Plan 2017 was adopted on 14th December 2017 and supersedes the previous Adur District Local Plan 1996.
See: Adur Local Plan 2017.
Publication of Report on the examination of the Adur Local Plan
On 20th October 2016, Adur District Council formally submitted the Adur Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The Secretary of State appointed Mr David Hogger BA MSc MRTPI MCIHT to conduct an independent examination of the Adur Local Plan, which took place in early 2017.
The Council has received the Inspector's Report on the Examination of the Adur Local Plan, in which the Inspector sets out and justifies his recommendations.
The Inspector’s Report concludes that the Adur Local Plan is 'sound' and that it provides an appropriate basis for the planning of that part of the district within the Local Plan area, provided that a number of main modifications are made.
The Inspector’s Report and the Local Plan documents, incorporating the Inspector's Main Modifications, are to be considered by Adur Full Council on 14th December 2017. The modified Adur Local Plan will be recommended to the Council for adoption. Upon adoption it will form the Adur Local Plan and the development plan for development management purposes (under section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act as amended).
Publication of Inspector's Report - Adur Local Plan (366KB)
Main Modifications Appendix - Adur Local Plan (794KB)
See also:
On 20th October 2016 Adur District Council submitted the Submission Adur Local Plan 2016 to the Secretary of State for independent examination. This page is dedicated to the examination of the Adur Local Plan and will be updated regularly throughout the examination process.
The hearings have now ended (8th February 2017). The Council is currently providing responses to matters raised by the Inspector during the hearing sessions. These will be made available on this page on the website in due course.
Inspector and Programme Officer
The Secretary of State has appointed Inspector David Hogger BA MSc MRTPI MCIHT as the Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate to carry out an independent examination of the Adur Local Plan.
The Inspector's task is to consider the soundness of the submitted plan, based on the criteria set out in paragraph 182 of the National Planning Policy Framework (the framework).
The relevant soundness criteria are whether the local plan is:
- positively prepared (based on a strategy that seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development)
- justified (the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence)
- effective (the plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities)
- consistent with national policy (the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the framework)
Programme Officer
The Programme Officer is an independent officer of the examination and works on behalf of the Inspector to organise and manage the administrative and procedural matters of the examination process and is the appropriate point of contact for any queries in relation to the examination.
Contact Details:
Chris Banks
C/O Banks Solutions
64 Lavinia Way
East Preston
West Sussex
BN16 1EF
Tel: 07817 322 750 or 01903 783722
Examination documents
Main Modifications: Inspector's Preliminary Findings
The Inspector examining the Adur Local Plan has produced his Preliminary Findings, which can be found below:
In response to these, the Council are producing Main Modifications which will be published for consultation in due course.
Inspector's documents:
ID-1: Inspector's Note of Procedural Meeting (40KB)
ID-2: Adur LP - Guidance note from the Inspector (153KB)
ID-3: REV 9 Adur Issues & Questions with amended timetable (374KB)
ID-4A: Inspector's Question 1 (35KB)
ID-4B: Inspector's Question 2 (26KB)
ID-4C: Inspector's Question 3 (29KB)
ID-4D: Inspector's Question 4 (26KB)
ID-5: Agendas (revision 2) (362KB)
ID-6: The Adur Local Plan (52KB)
Adur Local Plan Examination 2017 - Inspector's 'Homework'
Council responses to Inspector's 'Homework':
ALP025A Day 1 Issue 1 & 3 (302KB)
ALP025B Day 1 Issue 2 (73KB)
ALP025D Day 1 issue 4 (228KB)
Environment Agency response (296KB)
Steyning Road ADC drainage response (278KB)
Steyning Road Environment Agency response (270KB)
Steyning Road LVIA Part 1 (11,659KB)
Steyning Road LVIA Part 2 (5,026KB)
Steyning Road LVIA Part 3 (5,335KB)
Steyning Road SDNPA response (177KB)
Steyning Road WSCC drainage response (83KB)
ALP025E Day 1 Issue 5 (291KB)
ALP025F Day 1 Issue 6 (135KB)
ALP025G Day 1 Issue 7 (53KB)
ALP025H Day 1 Issue 8 (291KB)
ALP025I Day 2 Issue 1 (127KB)
ALP025J Day 2 Issue 2 (334KB)
ALP025K Day 2 Issue 3 (277KB)
ALP025L Day 2 Issue 4 (349KB)
ALP025M Day 2 Issue 5 (156KB)
ALP025N Day 2 Issue 6 (272KB)
ALP025O Day 2 Issue 7 (421KB)
ALP025P Day 3 Issue 1 (94KB)
ALP025QRST Day 3 Issue 2, 3, 4 & 5 (133KB)
ALP025U Day 3 Issue 6 (259KB)
Site Location Plan (185KB)
Block Plan (2,043KB)
Block Plan - Block E hotel (1,792KB)
Accommodation Schedule (1,444KB)
Boundary treatment plan (9,519KB)
Elevation 1 Block 1 (439KB)
Elevation 1 Block 2 (2,157KB)
Elevation 2 Block 2 (3,255KB)
Elevation House type 1 (637KB)
Elevations 2 Block 1 (1,530KB)
Elevations Block 3 (1,206KB)
Elevations Block 4 (1,202KB)
Elevations House type 5 and 6 (112KB)
Elevations House type 5 (559KB)
Elevations House type 7 (1,033KB)
Ground Floor Plan with Block Numbers (2,477KB)
Off Site Improvement Plan (1,790KB)
Plan indicating street scene sections (6,361KB)
Plot numbers (2,477KB)
Street Scene 1 & 2 (2,282KB)
Street Scene 3 & 4 (4,757KB)
Street Scene 5 & 6 (3,442KB)
Street Scene 7 & 8 (1,921KB)
ALP025V Day 3 Issue 7 (14KB)
Inspector's 'homework' - Council comments on Representor's responses:
ALP029 ADC comments on Homework Responses 28 April 2017 (213KB)
ALP029APP1 Historic England Obj to App April 2017 (188KB)
Representor's responses to Council's 'Homework':
Adur Floodwatch Group
REP-011-003 Response to ALP-025-P (345KB)
REP-011-006 Further comment re ALP_025_P (184KB)
REP-011-004 Response to ALP-025-R (356KB)
REP-011-005 WSCC CH2MHill lancing-swmp (3,768KB)
REP-034-002 Homework Response ECE (428KB)
REP-034-003 Homework response Thornton (589KB)
REP-034-004 1207 Steyning Road Presentation (8,554KB)
Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)
170405 ID15 General Response to Council's Homework (186KB)
170405 ID15 - Response to ALP025D (1,076KB)
REP-061-009 Response to ALP025E (13,059KB)
Appendix 3 - BRE Peer Review (227KB)
New Monks Farm Development Ltd
Sussex Wildlife Trust
Statements of Common Ground:
ALP026 - Statement of Common Ground - Highways England and Adur District Council (5,135KB)
ALP028 Education Statement of Common Ground Adur DC & WSCC (395KB)
Responses to questions raised by Inspector during the hearings:
Council responses to Inspector's Questions
ALP001: Response to Inspector's Question 1 (64KB)
ALP002: Response to Inspector's Question 2 (21KB)
ALP003: Response to Inspector's Question 3 (261KB)
ALP004: Response to Inspector's Question 4 (22KB)
ALP005: Response to Issue 12 Planning for Sustainable Communities (53KB)
ALP006: Response to Issue 16 Telecommunications (56KB)
ALP007: Response to Issue 1 - The Duty to Cooperate (383KB)
ALP008: Response to Issue 2 - Planning for Economic Growth, etc (316KB)
ALP009: Response to Issue 4 - Land at West Sompting (366KB)
ALP010: Response to Issue 5 - New Monks Farm (413KB)
ALP011: Response to Issue 6 - Shoreham Airport (237KB)
ALP012: Response to Issue 7 - Countryside and Coast (334KB)
ALP013: Response to Issue 8 - Sustainable Design (116KB)
ALP014: Response to Issue 9 - Energy (119KB)
ALP015: Responses to Issue 10 - Transport and Infrastructure (223KB)
ALP016: Response to Issue 11 - Green Infrastructure, etc (142KB)
ALP017: Response to Issue 13 - Pollution, etc (300KB)
ALP018: Response to Issue 14 - Shoreham Harbour (145KB)
ALP019: Response to Issue 15 - Policies for Places (288KB)
ALP020: Response to Issue 17 - Built and Historic Environment (288KB)
ALP021: Response to Issue 18 - Implementation, etc (123KB)
ALP022: Response to Issue 3 - Housing provision, etc (555KB)
ALP023: Comments Re New Salts Farm Flood Risk Assessment (287KB)
ALP024 Further comments regarding New Salts Farm FFRA (165KB)
ALP027 - Council response to Inspector's note ID-6 Safe entry and egress (34KB)
Representor Responses to Inspector's Questions
Adur Floodwatch
REP-011-001 AFG statement 1 (28KB)
REP-011-002 AFG statement 2 (18KB)
REP-011-002A Full Council Address 21-03-2016 (17KB)
REP-011-002B Address to Council 17-12-2015 (18KB)
REP-011-002C Full Council 09-10-2014 (15KB)
Brighton & Hove City Council
REP-031-001 (345KB)
REP-031-001A Appendix A (1,128KB)
REP-031-001B Appendix B (221KB)
REP-031-001C Appendix C (364KB)
REP-031-001D Appendix D (210KB)
REP-031-001E Appendix E (1,063KB)
Cobbetts Developments Ltd
Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)
Environment Agency
REP-006-001 Comments to Flood Risk Assessment New Salts Farm (278KB)
REP-006-002 Environment Agency response to Tully De'Ath regarding New Salts Farm (295KB)
Home Builders Federation
Hyde New Homes Cover Letter (99KB)
REP-061-001 Hyde New Homes Hearing Statement Issue 1 combined (49,104KB)
REP-061-001 Hyde New Homes Hearing Statement Issue 3 combined (779KB)
REP-061-001 Hyde New Homes Issue 7 Hearing Statement (625KB)
REP-061-002 Comments to updated core document CD/14/22 New Salts Farm (75KB)
REP-061-003 Statement of Common Ground Between Boyer and WSCC (291KB)
REP-061-004 Gmail - Fwd: FW: NSF - Tully De'Ath response to Comments from WSCC and the EA (245KB)
REP-061-005 Gmail - Adur Local Plan ID 15 - Hyde New Homes Response to Ref ALP023 (256KB)
REP-061-006 Tully De'Ath response to West Sussex County Council (825KB)
REP-061-006 A - 11649-CIV-120A-Area 1 High Ground Water Scenario (No Infiltration)-120 (1,801KB)
REP-061-006 B - 11649-CIV-150A-Drainage Details (117KB)
REP-061-006 C - 2016s5134 - New Salts Farm Road - Modelling Report v2 0 (1,779KB)
REP-061-006 D - 2016s5134 - New Salts Farm Road Shoreham - FEH Calculation Record (v3.0) (2,425KB)
New Monks Farm Development Ltd
Old Salts Farm
Sussex Wildlife Trust
West Sussex County Council
REP-023-001 Response to Flood Risk Assessment Issue 4 (664KB)
REP-023-02 Response to Tully De'Ath regarding New Salts Farm (334KB)
REP-023-03 Further response to Tully De'Ath regarding New Salts Farm (56KB)
Examination timetable
Stage | Dates |
Guidance Note and Issues and Questions published | 28th November 2016 |
Statements to be submitted to Programme Officer | Midday on 22nd December 2016 |
Hearing sessions commence | Commence on 31st January 2017 |
Publication of Inspector's preliminary findings | 5th May 2017 |
- The Shoreham Centre, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham-By-Sea, BN43 5WU
- See: The Shoreham Centre website
Submission Documents and Core Documents
The Submission Documents and Core Documents can be found on the:
Latest news and updates (most recent at the top)
12th May 2017:
A new item has been added to the Adur Local Plan Examination page. This is as follows:
- ID-7 Inspector's Preliminary Summary of Main Modifications
See: Inspector's Preliminary Findings (above)
16th February 2017:
One new item has been added to the Core Documents list. This is as follows:
- CD24/11A - Supplementary Viability Information: Residential CIL Viability Appraisal
See: Core Documents list
2nd February 2017:
Five new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD07/1A: Housing Provision 2011-2032: Update of housing figures in paragraphs 2.12 - 2.25 and Policy 3
- CD07/4A: Proposed Major Modifications Update (January 2017)
- CD07/23A: Addendum Note: Corrections to Table 7 and Table 8 (Five Year Housing Land Supply - Objectively Assessed Need Housing Target)
- CD15/7: Adur District Council, Environment Agency & West Sussex County Council Memorandum of Understanding
- CD24/14: Duty to Co-operate Memorandum of Understanding
See: Core Documents list
25th January 2017:
One new item has been added to the Core Documents list. This is as follows:
- CD24/11: Adur District Council Whole Plan & Community Infrastructure Levy Viability
One document has been amended:
- ID-3: REV 5 Adur Issues & Questions with amended timetable
See: Core Documents list
23rd January 2017:
Four new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD13/7A: West Sussex Joint Minerals Local Plan Proposed Submission Draft (Regulation 19)
- CD24/13: Planning School Places
- CD12/9: New Monks Farm, Lancing: Technical Note 02 - Phase 1 Residential Development Impact
- CD12/10: New Monks Farm development: Technical Note 2 - Phase 1 Residential Development Impact - Comments by West Sussex County Council
See: Core Documents list
16th January 2017:
Three new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD01/22: House of Commons Written Ministerial Statement (HCWS488)
- CD01/23: Technical housing standards - nationally described space standards
- CD24/12: Planning Contribution for Infrastructure Provision
One document has been amended:
- CD14/22: Adur Landscape Study Update - New Salts Farm
Please note that this report is a revised version of the report produced in October 2016. There were a number of errors in the 2016 report and this revised report corrects the following:
- The photograph from viewpoint 1 from Lancing Ring
- The locations of three viewpoints
- The scale of the proposed development in these viewpoints
See: Core Documents list
13th January 2017:
Four new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD01/19: Housing and Planning Act 2016
- CD01/20: House of Commons Written Ministerial Statement (HCWS50): Support for Small Scale Developers, Custom and Self-builders
- CD01/21: Starter Homes Regulations 2016: Technical Consultation
- CD21/3: Housing and Residential Land in West Sussex
See: Core Documents list
9th January 2017:
Two new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD10/5: Greater Brighton City Deal
- CD24/10: West Sussex Waste Local Plan
See: Core Documents list
4th January 2017:
Three new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD01/18: Planning policy for travellers sites
- CD24/8: Adur & Worthing Councils Note: Support for Neighbourhood Plans
- CD24/9: Draft Adur Place Plan
See: Core Documents list
23rd December 2016:
One new item has been added to the Core Documents list. This is as follows:
- CD07-24: Adur Local Plan - Summary of consultation responses to SHLAA and HIS updates 2016
See: Core Documents list
19th December 2016:
Three new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD21/2 - Adur District Council Annual Monitoring Report 2016
- CD13/14 - Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan Revised Draft for Consultation December 2016
- CD13/15 - Shoreham Harbour Transport Strategy October 2016
See: Core Documents list
6th December 2016:
Three new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD07/21 - Further clarification of differences between the Adur Local Plan 1996 Proposals Map and the Submission Adur Local Plan 2016 Policies Map
- CD07/22 - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update 2016
- CD07/23 - Adur Housing Implementation Strategy 2016
See: Core Documents list
18th November 2016:
Two new items have been added to the Core Documents list. These are as follows:
- CD07/20: Adur Local Development Scheme 2016-18
- CD24/7: Adur Local Plan 2016 Omission Sites
See: Core Documents list
Additionally, a number of appendices have been added to the Adur & Worthing Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (CD15/1) showing flood depth maps, flood hazard maps, flood onset maps and flood velocity maps.
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Planning Policy - Adur Local Plan 2016
Planning Policy - Adur general queries
Page last updated: 03 February 2023