Please note: The Adur Local Plan 2017 was adopted on 14th December 2017 and supersedes the previous Adur District Local Plan 1996.
Go to the current Adur Local Plan 2017
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016)
Amendments to Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) - Responses
The Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) were formally published under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 between 31 March and 11 May 2016.
Representations were received from 30 organisations, businesses and residents. These responses are currently being considered by officers and can be viewed below (listed alphabetically):
Adur Floodwatch Group (11,957KB)
Alan Robb (166KB)
Albemarle (Shoreham) LLP and Longbow Investment no3 S.A.R.L (2,373KB)
Brighton & Hove City Council (8,495KB)
British Horse Society (57KB)
Cobbetts Developments Ltd (827KB)
Cobbetts Developments 2 (216KB)
CPRE Sussex (3,515KB)
Elizabeth Robinson (1,464KB)
Environment Agency (657KB)
Gladman Developments (692KB)
Highways England (242KB)
Historic England (114KB)
Home Builders Federation (244KB)
Hyde Housing (76,444KB)
Lancing College (78KB)
Landstone Ltd (877KB)
Marine Management Organisation (215KB)
Michael Hubbard (36KB)
Natural England (407KB)
New Monks Farm Development Ltd (2,961KB)
Persimmon (369KB)
Philip Packham (711KB)
Ricardo plc (100KB)
Sompting Parish Council (111KB)
Southern Water (111KB)
Sport England (108KB)
Sussex Wildlife Trust (157KB)
Wendy Dowse (637KB)
West Sussex County Council (274KB)
See also:
Representations 2016 in Policy Order (Access database report) (4,307KB)
Adur Local Plan 2016 - Omission Sites (3,114KB)
For more information on the submission stage of the Adur Local Plan please go to the Adur Local Plan Emerging page.
'Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016)' have been published in order for representations to be made prior to the submission of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State.
At this stage representations are only being sought on whether the Amendments to the Plan are sound or legally compliant. These representations will be considered by an independent Planning Inspector alongside the submitted Plan at a Public Examination.
Why have these amendments been made?
The Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014 was published from 20th October to 1st December 2014 in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.
The Plan set out a vision for Adur up to 2031. It contained strategic planning policies to deliver new homes, jobs and infrastructure, and a range of policies to be used in assessing planning applications.
It had been anticipated that the Local Plan would then be submitted to the Secretary of State in March 2015 following the publication stage and assessment of the representations received. However, some proposed changes relating to one of the strategic allocations in the Plan, New Monks Farm, were raised in representations. Following this, amended proposals for the site were submitted to the Council for consideration.
Following consideration of these proposals, an additional consultation exercise (carried out under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012) was undertaken between 9th December 2015 and midnight 4th January 2016, specifically relating to proposed amendments to the strategic allocation at New Monks Farm. Changes to the strategic allocation (as well as amendments in relation to other matters) have been included within a revised version of the Local Plan, called 'Amendments to the Proposed Adur Local Plan (2016)'.
This document is now formally published under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 to allow for representations to be made as to whether the amendments meet the 'Tests of Soundness' and/or are legally compliant.
How can I find the amendments?
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) can be found below. In addition a Schedule of Changes (also below) has been prepared to explain why each change has been made.
In both documents, the Amendments are clearly indicated for ease of understanding through the use of bold and underlined text (for additions to the Plan) and 'strikethrough' text (for deletions to the Plan).
Making representations
Representations should be made using the representation form below.
Please note that if you previously made representations on the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014 there is no need to resubmit them during this publication period unless you wish to alter or withdraw your representation in the light of the amendments proposed. Representations made on the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan 2014, as well as those made on the Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) will in due course be provided to the Inspector appointed to carry out the Examination.
Representations must be received by midnight on 11th May 2016
Late representations cannot be considered.
Guidance note
This gives advice on making representations:
Representation form
Please use this form when making your representation, as this will help you to provide the required information.
Representations must be received by midnight on 11th May 2016.
Before completing the form please read the guidance note (above):
Representations should be provided in writing. This can be done by completing and submitting the standard response form using the following methods:
Email address for representations:
Post to:
- Planning Policy Team,
Adur & Worthing Councils,
Worthing Town Hall,
Chapel Road,
West Sussex,
BN11 1HA
Or may be handed in at:
- The Shoreham Centre, 2 Pond Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5WU
or - Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing, BN11 1HA
Representations must be received by midnight on 11th May 2016
Late representations cannot be considered.
Sending your representation electronically will help save paper and time.
Amendments to the Adur Local Plan (2016) and Associated Documents
Statement of Representation Procedures:
This document sets out, amongst other things, the publication period and the location of the documents for inspection, and provides information regarding making a representation.
The Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016):
A version of the Local Plan, incorporating the amendments, can be found below.
The Amendments are clearly indicated for ease of understanding through the use of bold and underlined text (additions) and 'strikethrough' text for deletions. In addition, a separate Schedule of Changes has been produced to explain why each change has been made (see below).
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) Part 1:
Includes: the front cover, the introduction, context and Vision and Objectives of the Plan.
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) Part 2:
Includes: key strategic policies and allocations.
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) Part 3:
Includes: policies for specific parts of Adur (Lancing, Sompting, Shoreham-By-Sea, Southwick and Fishersgate), Adur's countryside and coast and Local Green Gaps.
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) Part 4:
Contains: development management policies
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) Appendices:
Includes: a list of saved policies that will be replaced by the new Plan; how the Local Plan policies will deliver the Vision and Objectives of the Plan; a spatial portrait of Adur; Shoreham Harbour regeneration viability and deliverability progress update; delivery, implementation and monitoring of Adur Local Plan policies; Policies Map Proposed Changes; and a glossary.
Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) Policies Map and Inset Map:
These maps show all the strategic allocations and other key policy areas in Adur.
Schedule of Changes:
This Schedule of Changes has been produced to explain why each amendment to the Local Plan has been made.
Sustainability Appraisal:
This document is a mechanism for considering and communicating the likely effects of the Local Plan, and alternatives to avoid and mitigate adverse effects and maximise the positives. Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan is a legal requirement stemming from the EU Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive). (Please note that this appraisal takes account of the revisions to the Plan set out in the Amendments to the Proposed Submission Adur Local Plan (2016) document. Rather than just assessing the specific amendments to the Plan, the whole Plan has been reappraised taking account of the amendments).
Adur Local Plan 2016 - Sustainability Appraisal (6,475KB)
Adur Local Plan 2016 - Sustainability Appraisal - non-technical summary (510KB)
Adur Local Plan 2016 - Sustainability Appraisal - Technical Appendices (1,907KB)
Statement of Consultation 2016:
This explains the role of consultation in developing the Adur Local Plan.
Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Opinion
Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Opinion Addendum:
This document assesses the potential effects of the Local Plan on the Natura 2000 network (ie the network of European protected sites).
Adur Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) - September 2012 (611KB)
Adur Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) - addendum 2016 (96KB)
Sequential and Exception Test:
This document clarifies the flood zones for each allocation/site in the Local Plan and shows how the Council has undertaken a risk-based approach to the selection of allocations/sites.
Housing Implementation Strategy 2016:
This sets out the Council's proposed approach to managing the delivery of housing over the Local Plan period 2011 to 2031
Adur Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update (December 2015):
This study identifies the housing potential of sites within the Adur Local Plan area.
Adur Duty to Co-operate Statement 2016:
This statement sets out how Adur District Council has addressed the legal Duty to Co-operate in the production of the Adur Local Plan.
Adur Equalities and Health Impact Assessment 2016:
This assesses the impact of the Local Plan on health and equalities issues.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016:
This document evaluates current conditions and challenges affecting Adur's infrastructure, identifies key infrastructure shortfalls in the context of future growth in Adur, and identifies how shortfalls will be met.
Evidence studies:
Please note that evidence studies which have informed the Local Plan may be found at:
Frequently asked questions (FAQs):
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Planning Policy - Adur Local Plan 2016
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Page last updated: 07 June 2024