Contact us

With temperatures set to be 0° C or below, our severe weather emergency protocol (SWEP) has been triggered due to a Met Office weather warning. All rough sleepers in Adur and Worthing who have no alternative option for these nights can access accommodation if they need to. Our outreach teams are out advising rough sleepers and working with our housing needs team to assist them into accommodation, as well as checking on their welfare.

If you are worried about someone who is sleeping rough, please report your concerns using the Streetlink website or app. Your messages will be sent direct to our outreach services who will try to find individuals and notify them of their options.

Contact details and online options for council services

You can use the links below to take you directly to the service you are looking for. You should be able to answer your own queries from these sections. You will also find the relevant contact details in the sections below:

You can make payments online:

For payments using our automated phone service:

  • Call: 0300 1236 002

Alternatively you can make payments in person using your barcoded bill or invoice at:

It's usually quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Online services:

Contact details can be found on the relevant web pages above, or you can submit your enquiry online using our:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • Adur Benefits: 01273 263444
  • Worthing Benefits: 01903 221062

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Online services:

Contact details can be found on the relevant web pages above, or you can submit your enquiry online using our:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • Adur Council Tax: 01273 263111
  • Worthing Council Tax: 01903 221061

Adur Homes logo (145)

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Online services:

Contact details can be found on the relevant web pages above, or you can submit your enquiry online using our:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • 01273 263030

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Planing online services:

Contact details can be found on the relevant web pages above, or you can submit your enquiry online using our:

Building Control services online:

Contact details can be found on the relevant web pages above, or you can submit your enquiry online using our:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • Planning applications: 01903 221065
  • Building Control: 01903 221068

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Online services:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • 01903 221067

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Online services:

Contact details can be found on the relevant web pages above, or you can submit your enquiry online using our:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • 01903 221069

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Online services - meetings and decisions:

Online services - councillors and MPs:

If you need to contact the service, their contact details will be at the bottom of the relevant web pages.

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • Adur District Council: 01273 263000
    Adur covers: Lancing, Shoreham-by-Sea, Sompting and Southwick
  • Worthing Borough Council: 01903 239999

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

If you cannot find what you need online and need to contact the service, their contact details will be at the bottom of the relevant web pages.

You can submit a Business Rates enquiry online using our:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • Adur Business Rates: 01273 263111
  • Worthing Business Rates: 01903 221061
  • Parking: 01903 221180
  • Licensing: 01903 221064
  • Commercial waste: 01273 263050

It's quickest and easiest to find what you need online:

Or you can contact us by phone:

  • 01903 221066

If you want to contact us about anything else then you can submit your enquiry online using our:

Or you can contact us by phone using our switchboard numbers:

  • Adur District Council: 01273 263000
    Adur covers: Lancing, Shoreham-by-Sea, Sompting and Southwick
  • Worthing Borough Council: 01903 239999

See also:

PhonesContacting us by phone:

If you are able to please either use our online contact form (the quickest and easiest way):

Our phone lines are open:

  • Monday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • Tuesday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • Thursday: 9:30am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
    (closed from 1pm on the last Thursday of each month)
  • Friday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • (closed weekends and bank holidays)

Phone numbers:

You can find contact details for council services in the section above.

See also:

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AppointmentsVisiting us in person

Visiting us in person is prioritised for people with emergency needs.

If you are able to please either use our online contact form (the quickest and easiest way):

Or use our contact details for council services.

We have two buildings:

Worthing Town Hall:

If you need to speak to an advisor then you must make an appointment over the phone before visiting our offices in person. Please use the phone numbers above.

However, you can drop in documents without making an appointment.

Worthing Town Hall customer service reception desk:

  • Monday: 9am to 4pm
  • Tuesday: 9am to 4pm
  • Wednesday: 9am to 4pm
  • Thursday: 9:30am to 4pm
  • Friday: 9am to 4pm
  • (closed weekends and bank holidays)

Our address:

  • Adur & Worthing Councils,
    Worthing Town Hall,
    Chapel Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN11 1HA

See also:

Adur - The Shoreham Centre:
Lancing, Shoreham-by-Sea, Sompting and Southwick

Shoreham Centre is currently working as appointment only.

There is a post box inside available to drop in your documents.

If you need to speak to an advisor you must make an appointment over the phone before visiting our offices in person - please use the phone numbers above.

You can visit the Shoreham Centre for help with Council Tax, benefits, Adur Homes and housing only.

The Shoreham Centre - Adur & Worthing Councils' customer service office:

  • Monday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • Tuesday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • Thursday: 9:30am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
    (closed from 1pm on the last Thursday of each month)
  • Friday: 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm
  • (excluding bank holidays)

Our address:

  • Adur & Worthing Councils,
    The Shoreham Centre,
    Pond Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN43 5WU

See also:

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Write to usPostal addresses

If you need to send us documents it is quickest and easiest to do this online by uploading them to our contact form:

Adur - Lancing, Shoreham-by-Sea, Sompting and Southwick:

  • Adur & Worthing Councils,
    The Shoreham Centre,
    Pond Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN43 5WU


  • Adur & Worthing Councils,
    Worthing Town Hall,
    Chapel Road,
    West Sussex,
    BN11 1HA

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AlarmOut of hours emergency contact

Please do not use the emergency number during office hours.

The emergency contact service is for out of office hours emergencies ONLY when the offices are closed. This includes in the evenings or at night, at weekends or bank holidays.

If it is not an emergency situation then please wait until the offices are next open and use the:

If you have an emergency out of hours:

  • Please call: 07713 889 128
  • It will connect you to a duty supervisor who will be able to assist you further

See also:

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