Sustainability Appraisal
The aim of Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is to ensure the social, environmental and economic impacts of policies are assessed as part of the plan preparation process.
The Council must carry out Sustainability Appraisals (incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment requirements) for each Development Plan and the outcomes will be used to inform decisions on land allocations and policy formulation.
Scoping Report
Scoping is the first stage of the SA process. The purpose of the Scoping Report is to identify the scope and level of detail of the information to be included in the SA report. It should set out the context, objectives and approach of the assessment; and identify relevant environmental, economic and social issues and objectives.
The statutory consultation bodies (Historic England, Natural England and the Environment Agency) along with other interested parties were consulted on the draft Scoping Report (below) from Monday 16t March to Monday 20th April 2015.
Draft Report
A Draft SA Report has been undertaken to support the Draft Local Plan. This Integrated Impact Appraisal (IIA) incorporates SA, Equalities Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment. A Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening has also been undertaken. The Draft Report presents the appraisal of the impacts of reasonable options and the Draft Local Plan.
Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Non-technical Summary - Oct 2018 (532KB)
Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Main Report - Oct 2018 (1,690KB)
Draft Integrated Impact Assessment - Technical Appendices - Oct 2018 (2,533KB)
SA Report (2021)
A SA Report of the Submission Draft Local Plan has been prepared. This is an integrated assessment also incorporating Health Impact Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment. The SA Report assesses the likely significant effects of the Local Plan, proposes mitigation to minimise any negative effects, sets out how the appraisal has influenced the Local Plan and proposes a draft monitoring framework.
Sustainability Appraisal Report of the Submission Draft Worthing Local Plan (1,938KB)
Technical Appendices to the Sustainability Appraisal Report of the Submission Draft Worthing Local Plan (2,120KB)
SA Report Update
This update replaces Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the SA Report 2021. It responds to the Inspector's Initial Advice (IL07) that was received following the Local Plan examination hearings to help ensure that the SA that has informed the Local Plan is legally compliant and meets the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Addendum to the Submission SA Report: Proposed Main Modifications (2022)
This SA Addendum considers the proposed Main Modifications to the Worthing Local Plan.
Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement (2023)
To view the adopted Worthing Local Plan please see:
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Page last updated: 29 March 2023