Issues and Options Stage (2016)
In 2016 the Council started work on preparing its new development plan, called the Worthing Local Plan. The Plan, when adopted, will be a key document in shaping the future of the borough. It will provide the strategy for growth, setting out what development will take place and where.
Once in place, the new Plan will replace the borough's existing local planning policies and will be an important consideration in deciding planning applications.
The first stage of Local Plan consultation (the Issues and Options stage) was published for consultation between 11th May and 22nd June 2016.
At that stage the Council sought views and suggestions on how Worthing should grow and develop in the future. This consultation identified the challenges facing the borough and the options that could help address them. Unlike many other local authority areas spread over wide areas, there are only a limited number of development options in and around the town.
The Council therefore asked for views on how best to balance the delivery of growth and regeneration across the borough to meet future needs whilst at the same time protecting the things that are valued about the town. The comments that we received helped to inform the drafting of the Preferred Options Local Plan which was published for consultation in October 2018.
The following links provide further information on the new Local Plan and the evidence base that has been, and will be, used to inform it.
The Issues and Options consultation document:
All representations that were received during the consultation period can be viewed below. The representations are separated into two files with an accompanying index file: E (electronic) representations; and M (manually scanned) representations. Where appropriate, identifying information has been redacted for data protection reasons:
Index to all Worthing Issues and Options - E - Representations (264KB)
All Worthing Issues and Options - E - Representations (12,652KB)
Index to all Worthing Issues and Options - M - Representations (258KB)
All Worthing Issues and Options - M - Representations (42,040KB)
A consultation report and a summary of the representations received has been published:
Worthing Local Plan - Issues & Options Consultation Report - August 2016 (195KB)
Issues and Options Consultation - Summary of Representations - August 2016 (431KB)
The Council would like to thank everyone for their representations which will help to inform subsequent stages as the new Local Plan is progressed. You may also be interested in:
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Page last updated: 20 May 2022