Worthing Core Strategy
Update - March 2023: The Worthing Local Plan March 2023 was adopted on 28th March 2023. It now forms part of the statutory development plan, which sets the strategic development and land-use priorities for Worthing (outside the South Downs National Park) up to 2032, and contains the policies against which development management decisions within that area will be made. The Local Plan supersedes the Worthing Core Strategy (2011) and the saved policies from the Worthing Local Plan (2003). For further information, and to view the adopted Worthing Local Plan, please see:
Worthing Core Strategy (2011)
The Worthing Core Strategy was adopted by the Council on 12th April 2011. The document, which forms the key part of the Local Development Framework (LDF), will help guide planning and development in the Borough up to 2026. It will be used to help inform decision-making on all planning applications and it will also provide the context for all subsequent Local Development Documents and their policies.
After a number of years of preparation an independent examination of the plan was carried out in November 2010 and the Inspector concluded that:
“There is a clear vision at the heart of the Core Strategy of a thriving, prosperous and healthy town that plays a central role in the wider sub region.”
All background documents including the Inspector's Report and other documents relating to the Examination can be viewed in Consultation and Examination documents.
Regeneration is the key focus of the document with a strategic development at West Durrington and 12 other Areas of Change identified as major regeneration opportunities. The Core Strategy also outlines how development needs will be met with a series of policies on key issues such as housing, employment, retail and environmental protection.
Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Bryan Turner, said:
“We are really pleased that all the hard work has paid off and the Inspector has approved our plan and has confirmed it is deliverable. The Core Strategy is incredibly important, as it helps us work towards delivering a thriving and stronger Borough. We have consulted extensively with local residents and businesses to develop the plan and it is great news that it has been given the seal of approval.”
The Core Strategy and the Proposals Map (including Town Centre Inset) can be viewed using the links below:
Worthing Core Strategy - April 2011 (2,821KB)
Core Strategy Proposals Map 2011 (7,030KB)
Core Strategy Proposals Map 2011 (Town Centre Inset) (3,109KB)
In addition, hard copies of the documents are available to view in the Council offices and in the libraries within the Borough.
Saved Policies from Worthing Local Plan 2003
In addition to the policies set out in the Core Strategy there are 16 Local Plan policies that remain 'saved' from the Worthing Local Plan 2003.
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Page last updated: 29 March 2023