Introduction to the Worthing Local Development Framework (LDF)
What is a Local Development Framework?
A Local Development Framework (LDF) is a collection of documents that collectively deliver the spatial planning strategy for an area.
Introduction to Worthing's Local Development Framework
The Local Development Framework (LDF) is a portfolio of documents (see below) which together will guide development within Worthing. Collectively these documents set out the Council's planning policies for meeting the community's economic, environmental and social needs where this affects the development and use of land.
Further information relating to National, Regional and Neighbourhood Planning can be viewed on our Planning Policy pages.
Key Elements of the Worthing Local Development Framework
A brief summary of the key documents that make up the Worthing LDF is set out below along with links to further information:
- Local Development Scheme (Worthing): This is a statement of the Council's work programme. This helps to establish the timetable for the production of Local Development Documents.
- Worthing Core Strategy: The Worthing Core Strategy was adopted in April 2011 following a number of years of preparation. This Development Plan Document is the key document in the Local Development Framework. It sets out the overall vision and strategy for place-making and it provides the context for all subsequent Local Development Documents.
- Consultation and Examination documents: Numerous documents and statements were prepared and published at each stage of the preparation of the Core Strategy, particularly at the Examination.
- Background studies and Information: A wide range of background documents and studies have been published that inform and underpin the preparation of the Local Development Framework. Collectively, these documents are called the evidence base. They present up-to-date information on key aspects of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the Borough.
- Annual Monitoring Report (Worthing): An annual report setting out the performance of policies based on a variety of indicators. It also measures the progress of documents set out in the Local Development Scheme. The report will now be used to monitor the effectiveness of policies established within the Core Strategy.
- Statement of Community Involvement (Worthing): This document sets out the Council's policy for involving the community in preparing and revising local development documents and for consulting on planning applications.
- Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance (Worthing): These documents provide more detail to support policies established within higher level Development Plan Documents. This link sets out adopted guidance and also summarises work being undertaken to progress new and revised documents.
For more information on the LDF, please contact the Planning Policy Team.
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Page last updated: 20 May 2022