Spending CIL

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is not intended to fund all infrastructure, it is only one of many possible funding sources. The council must spend its CIL funds on the 'provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure needed to support the development of the area'. The CIL Regulations state that CIL receipts may be allocated in the following proportions:

  • 80% for the strategic infrastructure needs of the Borough
  • 15% for Neighbourhood funding
  • 5% for the cost of administering CIL

In Worthing, it has been agreed that, in order to ensure a split is made between Worthing Borough Council (WBC), West Sussex County Council (WSCC) projects, and those projects delivered by other infrastructure providers, that the CIL receipts would be split down further as follows:

  • 70% for WBC and WSCC strategic infrastructure projects (strategic pot)
  • 10% for other agencies strategic infrastructure projects ('other agencies' pot)
  • 15% for local community groups and voluntary sector organisations (Neighbourhood Fund)
  • 5% for the cost of administering CIL (admin pot)

The Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) prioritises which infrastructure projects may receive CIL funding, via a three-year rolling programme. The IIP is a 'living' document which will be kept under review, updated and rolled forward each year to reflect how much money has been collected and how much CIL is predicted to be collected from development:

Previous versions of the IIP:

For details on how the money is spent from the Neighbourhood Fund see:

CIL spending is now monitored through the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS). Worthing Borough Council was required, under the CIL Regulations, to publish its first annual IFS by 31st December 2020 and at least annually thereafter. The statements are intended to show how much money has been raised and how it has been spent in the previous year. They also state what infrastructure projects will be, or may be, funded wholly or partly by CIL (replacing the Regulation 123 list). Please see:

CIL Board

CIL governance arrangements relating to the expenditure of CIL receipts are agreed by the CIL Board - which consists of Worthing Borough Council officers, Worthing Borough Council elected members and West Sussex County Council representatives.

This board meets on average three times a year to discuss a range of CIL matters, including the Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP).

All recommendations made by the CIL Board will need to be approved by the Joint Strategic Committee (JSC).

Minutes for the CIL Board meetings:
The last five meeting's minutes are available below:

For older versions of the minutes, please contact:

See also:

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Page last updated: 18 February 2025

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