Worthing CIL examination 2014
The Secretary of State appointed Mr Malcolm Rivett BA (Hons), MSc, MRTPI, to conduct the Examination of the Draft Charging Schedule. The Hearing session was held on Tuesday 16th September 2014 and the Inspector's Report (linked below) was received on 19th November 2014.
All documentation relating to the CIL Examination can be found on this page below:
Information relating to infrastructure contributions and the adoption and implementation of the levy can be found on the following page:
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Core Documents
To aid the examination the Council created a library of Core Documents. These are categorised within groups and linked below. Alternatively, hard copies of all documents listed are available to view at the council offices (Worthing Town Hall). In addition, copies of the main documents can be also be viewed at libraries across the Borough.
CD01 - National Legislation and Guidance
All documents listed below are available to view as hard copies on request:
- CD01-1 - CIL Regulations (2010)
- CD01-2 - CIL Amendment Regulations (2011)
- CD01-3 - CIL Amendment Regulations (2012)
- CD01-4 - CIL Amendment Regulations (2013)
- CD01-5 - CIL Amendment Regulations (2014)
- CD01-6 - CIL An overview DCLG (2011)
- CD01-7 - CIL Guidance (2012)
- CD01-8 - CIL Guidance (2013)
- CD01-9 - CIL Guidance (2014)
- CD01-10 - NPPF (2012)
- CD01-11 - Localism Act (2011), Chapter 20: Part 6, Chapter 2
- CD01-12 - Viability Testing Local Plans - Advice for Planning Practitioners (The Harman Report) (June 2012)
- CD01-13 - National Planning Practice Guidance (webpage resource) CIL Guidance (added to website June 2014)
CD02 - CIL Submission Documents
- CD02-1 Draft Charging Schedule (Mar 2014) (926KB)
- CD02-2 Statement of Compliance (242KB)
- CD02-3 Statement of Regulations Procedure (Regulation 17) (162KB)
- CD02-4 Regulation 19(1)(b) Statement of Responses (June 2014) (281KB)
- CD02-5 Statement of Consultation (2,193KB)
- CD02-6 Viability Assessment (Dec 2012) (2,689KB)
- CD02-7 Viability Assessment (Oct 2013) (1,419KB)
- CD02-8 Construction Cost Study (May 2012) (139KB)
- CD02-9 Land Value Appraisal Study (Aug 2012) (2,099KB)
- CD02-10 Land Value Appraisal Supplementary Report (Nov 2013) (355KB)
- CD02-11 Infrastructure Funding Gap Review (Sep 2012) (247KB)
- CD02-12 Infrastructure Funding Gap Review - May 2013 (5,815KB)
- CD02-13 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (Jan 2013) (1,782KB)
CD02-14 Viability Appraisals - Residential
- R2 - Residential Land Values (229KB)
- R3 - Residential Results (179KB)
- R4 - Mixed Residential (431KB)
- R5 - High rise apartments (437KB)
- R6 - Low rise apartments (437KB)
- R7 - Executive Housing (436KB)
- R8 - Suburban housing (437KB)
- R9 - Sheltered Housing (435KB)
- R10 - Union Place (Residential) (209KB)
CD02-15 Viability Appraisals - Commercial
- C1 - Commercial Assumptions (213KB)
- C2 - Commercial Land Values (211KB)
- C3 - Commercial Results (196KB)
- C4 - Industrial (281KB)
- C5 - Office (282KB)
- C6 - Food retail (281KB)
- C7 - General retail (281KB)
- C8 - Care Facility (281KB)
- C9 - Hotel (282KB)
- C10 - Community Centre (282KB)
- C11 - Leisure (Bowling alley) (281KB)
- C12 - Agriculture (221KB)
- C13 - Sui Generis (car showroom) (282KB)
- C14 - Union Place (Commercial) (223KB)
CD03 - Supporting Documents
- CD03-1 Worthing Core Strategy (1,831KB)
- CD03-2 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (800KB)
- CD03-3 Planning Contributions SPD (2007) (535KB)
- CD03-4 Information on funding collected through S106 agreements since 2005 (175KB)
- CD03-5 Developer Contributions Draft SPD (March 2014) (476KB)
CD04 - Representations on Draft Charging Schedule
- CD04-1 Roffey Homes Ltd (715KB)
- CD04-2 Sussex Police (131KB)
- CD04-3 Gladman Developments (822KB)
- CD04-4 Peacock & Smith representing Morrison Supermarkets (122KB)
- CD04-5 Environment Agency (8KB)
- CD04-6 Planning Potential representing Aldi Stores Ltd (2,974KB)
- CD04-7 West Sussex County Council (59KB)
- CD04-8 RPS Planning & Development (1,210KB)
- CD04-9 Savills representing the HBF Consortium (135KB)
- CD04-10 The Retirement Planning Bureau representing McCarthy & Stone and Churchill Retirement Living Ltd (2,498KB)
- CD04-11 Marine Management Organisation (24KB)
- CD04-12 Natural England (186KB)
- CD04-13 Horsham DC (86KB)
- CD04-14 Highways Agency (83KB)
CD05 - Modifications
- CD05-1 Statement of Minor Modifications (195KB)
- CD05-2 Modified Draft Charging Schedule (June 2014) (897KB)
- CD05-3 Modified Draft Regulation 123 List (June 2014) (145KB)
- CD05-4 Statement of Minor Modifications letter to consultees (118KB)
- CD05-5 Draft Instalment Policy (8KB)
CD06 - Examination Documents
Documents will continue to be added to this section of the website as the examination progresses.
- CD06-1 Initial questions from Inspector July 2014 (86KB)
- CD06-2 Council's response to initial questions from Inspector July 2014 (349KB)
- CD06-3 Briefing Note for the Examination (113KB)
- CD06-4 The Inspector's Main Issues and Questions for Examination (88KB)
The Council's responses to the Inspector's Main Issues and Questions (and additional / revised appraisals - September 2014)
- CD06-5 WBC Response to QA - QC (127KB)
- CD06-6 WBC Response to Q1 to Q3 (264KB)
- CD06-7 WBC Response to Q4 to Q11 (649KB)
- CD06-8 WBC Response to Q12 to Q16 (354KB)
CD06-9 Viability Appraisals - Residential
- R1 - Assumptions (updated) (219KB)
- R2 - Land values (updated) (229KB)
- R3 - Results (updated) (179KB)
- R4 - Mixed residential (updated) (431KB)
- R5 - High rise apartments (updated) (436KB)
- R6 - Low rise apartments (updated) (436KB)
- R7 - Executive Housing (updated) (436KB)
- R8 - Suburban housing (updated) (437KB)
CD06-10 Viability Appraisals (Residential to Residential)
- RR1 - Assumptions (219KB)
- RR2 - Land values (200KB)
- RR3 - Results (175KB)
- RR4 - Mixed residential (272KB)
- RR5 - High rise apartments (274KB)
- RR6 - Low rise apartments (274KB)
- RR7 - Executive housing (274KB)
- RR8 - Suburban housing (274KB)
CD06-11 Viability Appraisals (Residential to Residential with differential profit margin for affordable housing)
- RRD1 - Assumptions (220KB)
- RRD2 - Land values (200KB)
- RRD3 - Results (175KB)
- RRD4 - Mixed residential (274KB)
- RRD5 - High rise apartments (275KB)
- RRD6 - Low rise apartments (275KB)
- RRD7 - Executive housing (275KB)
- RRD8 - Suburban housing (276KB)
CD06-12 Viability Appraisals Sheltered Housing
CD06-13 Viability Appraisals Retail
- RET1 - Assumptions (207KB)
- RET2 - Land values (204KB)
- RET3 - Results (189KB)
- RET4 - General retail (305KB)
- RET5 - Small food store (306KB)
- RET6 - Food retail medium (306KB)
- RET7 - Food retail large (250KB)
- RET8 - Retail warehouse (251KB)
Additional Evidence Submitted by Respondents
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