Closing a road for an event or street party

VE Day Commemorations: On Monday 5th May 2025 there will be a huge nationwide celebration as there was across the streets of Britain in 1945. We are asking everyone who wants to mark the day, to celebrate our freedom by coming together. This could be a street party, a community BBQ, a picnic or a Big Lunch. The councils will waive the fee for commemorations taking place on the following dates: Monday 5th, and Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th May 2025. The last day for applications to be submitted is Wednesday 12th March 2025.

Organising a street party

Street parties are an important part of community life, and a great way for friends and neighbours to come together. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to hold a street party or community event.

If you are looking to organise a street party which involves closing a road you will need to have permission from us first. Please read the guidelines below before making an application to close a road for a street party:

Making a road closure application

If you need to apply for a road closure or street diversion for an event, you need to submit an application form at least six weeks before the event is due to take place. You cannot legally stop vehicles from entering or driving down a road unless a road closure order has been granted.

There is a standard application fee of £106.00 (although some events are exempt from paying a fee). This fee is refundable if your application is not successful. You will also need to submit a street plan detailing the road closure with your application.

Please note, if you intend to sell alcohol at your event you will also need to apply for a:

Insurance for your event

By applying for a road closure you agree to indemnify West Sussex County Council as the Highways Authority, in respect of any claims for loss or damage to property and death or injury to persons, relating to your activities, in whatever amounts, throughout the period of the permission.

As you are indemnifying WSCC for any loss or damage, the Road Closure Order requires you to take out Public Liability Insurance cover to the sum of £5 million pounds. Further information is available from the link below:

The template below will help you create a risk assessment for your event:

Road closure signs

It is possible to loan signage depending on availability. Please note this is a chargeable service. Please email us for further details:

For information about how to place road signs please see:

Apply for a temporary road closure or street diversion

Further advice

To make an enquiry about applying for a road closure for an event please email us on

For more helpful advice and tips regarding planning an event or street party see:

Find out about upcoming planned road closures

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Page last updated: 03 March 2025

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