Contact us about a public litter bin or dog bin
Report a problem with a public litter or dog bin
You can help by telling us when a bin needs emptying or maintenance:
Bin locations
Public litter bins: are usually located near schools, bus stops, shops, in parks and in some busy residential areas. We ask that you use these and, where available, the on-street recycling bins to maintain clean green streets and open spaces. Alternatively please take your recycling home and place it in your bins for collection. Public litter bins are positioned to allow 1 metre access past them for pushchairs and wheelchair users.
Dog bins: are usually located in areas popular with dog walkers, including parks and recreation grounds and by the entrances to fields, parks or wooded areas. We also install them in areas that are known to have an issue with dog fouling. We ask all dog walkers to act responsibly, to pick up and place all dog waste in these bins. Dog bins are positioned so we can empty them in the safest and most efficient way, whilst allowing all dog waste to be collected.
See also:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Recycling, Refuse & Waste (including bin day queries)
Page last updated: 29 July 2024