Health walks

Health Walks in Adur

Introduction: Get fit - Look fit - Be fit ...

Ramblers Wellbeing Walks Logo - Adur Healthy Walkers

Adur Healthy Walkers will take you on a journey to a new you! Come along and join in the fun. This new programme offers walks to suit all levels of fitness.

Adur Healthy Walkers is free. You will meet new people and enjoy the fresh air. The best tonic of all is getting that oxygen into your lungs!

Trained leaders will be there to lead you on interesting walks through the local countryside, by the sea or past places of interest.

Under 18s are welcome on the walks but must be accompanied by an adult.

Our walks are separated into level 1 and 2 Wellbeing walks, which are 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 90 minutes duration and Level 3 Friends walks which are more strenuous and over 2 hours duration:

  • Level 1: Wellbeing walks = a gentle stroll
    - takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour:

    If you haven't done much walking before then try the Level 1 walks to 'Get going'. These involve shorter distances and easier terrain. A 30-minute walk is available once every 3 weeks. ‌
    PDF FileLevel 1 walks descriptions and start points (820KB)
  • Level 2: Wellbeing walks = longer distance
    - takes about 1.5 hours:

    If you feel you can do a bit longer distance try the Level 2 walks and 'Keep going'. ‌
    PDF FileLevel 2 walks descriptions and start points (225KB)
  • Level 3: Friends walks = extra challenge
    - takes about 2 to 3 hours:

    Finally if you like more of a challenge (beyond Walking for Health) then go for the Level 3 walks and you can "go on and on" like Forrest Gump! These are longer distances over a wider range of terrain and up on The Downs.‌
    PDF FileLevel 3 walks descriptions and start points (305KB)

By the end of the walk you should feel relaxed refreshed, re-energised and revitalised ... and ready to put your feet up ... until the next time!

So come along and enjoy the sights sounds and smells of the great outdoors.

See the booking procedure and programme details below.

Health Walks in Adur: booking procedure for walkers

Please note: we operate a booking system for walks, see below for details:

  • If you have access to the internet and have an email address then please register online at Sign up to Ramblers Wellbeing Walks - on the Ramblers website. Alternatively, please ask a leader for a paper form to complete. 
  • For everyone on our mailing list we will send out programmes each month, with the leaders name and email address or telephone number
  • Choose which walk or walks you wish to do and email the leader with your choice and supply your name, telephone number and dates, preferably giving at least 24 hours notice
  • If there is the option to meet at Adur Rec. and you would like to be picked up from there, then please let the leader know when you book to save unnecessary journeys
  • If you need to cancel then please give as much notice as possible as other people may be waiting to walk.
  • If you do not have access to email then please phone Sue on 07923 443 731 and leave your name, telephone number and the walk you wish to book, and she will pass your details on to the relevant leader

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Walks programme details

Please note: we operate a booking system, see above for the booking procedure.

We have wide range of healthy walks lined up for the coming months, so why not get out in the fresh air and join us.

All you need to do is turn up ten minutes before the start. You will be required to fill in a 'Walker Registration Form' when you walk with us for the first time.

Walks programmes and information to download:

See also: Special events walks (below)

Where do the walks start from?

Walks organised by other organisations:

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Special events walks

Several times a year we have special one-off walks, which are advertised to our regular walkers via flyers and email.

For details of regular walks see Walks programme details (above).

Fundraising events (upcoming or recent)

  • Saturday 12th October 2024: 10am to 12 noon
    Coffee Morning at Methodist Church Hall, Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea
    A chance to support Adur Healthy Walkers with an opportunity to buy tea, coffee, cakes, books, puzzles, and produce.

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Adur Healthy Walkers Scheme training days

Would you like to join a happy band of volunteers to lead walks for the Adur Healthy Walkers?

Training days are run as required. Training is FREE and lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day.

If you would like to train to lead walks in Adur, or know someone who might be interested, or would like more information, please speak to one of our leaders and they will pass your details on to the organizer of the next training day.

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Want to know more?

If you need any further information or want to train to be a volunteer Healthy Walk leader please contact Communities Team.

Other useful pages on our website:

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About the Adur area

The Adur District covers an area between the South Downs and the coast and lies between Worthing and Brighton & Hove.

Towns in the district include Shoreham-by-Sea, Southwick, Lancing, Sompting and the smaller areas of Coombes, Fishersgate, Kingston by Sea (or Kingston Buci).

The north of the Adur District falls within the South Downs National Park and many of our walks are in this area of outstanding natural beauty. There are also three Local Nature Reserves (LNR) within the Adur District which include: Mill Hill LNR, Lancing Ring LNR and Shoreham Beach LNR (see the Conservation and countryside section).

Other long distance routes that pass through the district include:

  • The Monarch's Way is a 615 mile (990 km) long-distance footpath in England that approximates the escape route taken by King Charles II in 1651 that runs from Worcester to Shoreham-by Sea after being defeated in the Battle of Worcester
  • The South Downs Way which runs for 99 miles (160 km) from Winchester in Hampshire, to Eastbourne in East Sussex
  • The Coastal Link runs from the coast all the way to Guildford via Horsham and links with The Downs Link which is a 36.7 mile (58.7 km) footpath and bridleway linking the North Downs Way at St Martha's Hill in Surrey with the South Downs Way near Steyning in West Sussex and then on via the Coastal Link to Shoreham-by-Sea.

The Adur District also includes places of interest such as:

There are also numerous historic churches to visit. The following can also be found in the Adur District: Shoreham Airport (external website) and Shoreham Port (external website).

For maps of the area see where is Adur and the River Adur webpage.

Other walking groups:

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Health walks in Worthing

Why walking is good for you

  • Improves fitness and health
  • Reduces stress
  • Burns same amount of calories as jogging
  • It can reduce risk of diabetes
  • It can improve blood pressure
  • It can halve the risk of a heart or stroke
  • It is a great way to meet new friends

Health Walking Groups in Worthing

Broadwater Strollers Walking Group

  • 10:00am on Wednesdays
  • Meet: Broadwater Green, Cricket Pavilion
  • Contact: Dave on 01903 203207
    or Ricky on 01903 690967

Durrington Walkers

  • 2:30pm on Wednesdays
  • Meet: Durrington Community Centre, Tesco Complex, New Road, Worthing
  • Contact: Irene on 01903 506342
  • Email:

Heene Healthy Walkers

  • 10:30am on Tuesdays
  • Meet: from 10:20 am in Marine Gardens by the putting green/café
  • Walks last around 20 to 30 minutes, returning to Marine Gardens for tea/coffee in the café
  • Contact: Gill on 01903 539655
  • email at

St Lawrence Strollers

  • Tuesday mornings - 9:45am for 10:00am start
  • Meet: St Lawrence Surgery (corner of St Lawrence Ave/Rectory Road)
  • We run a choice of two walks (1 or 2 miles) ending at the surgery for refreshments (suggested donation 50p)
  • Contact: Ian Leedham on 07768 593 977
    or via the surgery on 01903 222900

Other walking groups

General information

  • All the centres offer weekly walks and are between 35 and 40 minutes in duration
  • All abilities are welcome as there are a couple of walks to choose from depending on your ability
  • Each walk is taken by an experienced walk leader, all who lead and back mark, so every walker can walk at their own pace
  • There is an opportunity after each walk to socialise over refreshments
  • Additional walks are offered from time to time on other days at each centre which are longer and sometimes out of the district

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Useful external weblinks

Other walking groups:

Walking websites:

Further walking schemes across Sussex on other local council websites:

Links to online walking route planner websites:

If you want to plan a route to walk to any of the council buildings see the addresses and postcodes on our council buildings webpage.

See also:

  • Mapometer: Plot a route to see how far you have walked or run and see how much energy you have used.
    See: Mapometer website
  • Weight loss resources website: Walking Route Map Planner: Zoom in on the UK or the part of the world you are interested in (using the tools in the map panel) and then plot your walk by double-clicking on the map to plot points on your route - it will then tell you how long your route is.
    See: Weight loss resources website
  • Via Michelin website: Zoom in on the UK or the part of the world you are interested in, enter the start and finish points of your route and then in the 'driving directions' section select the 'pedestrian' option and then click search.
    See: Via Michelin website
  • Journey On: Walking route planner in Brighton and Hove
    See: Journey on - on the Brighton & Hove City Council website
  • Google Maps: allows you to plot walking routes and get estimated times for your journey
    See: Google Maps

Copies of booklets of guided walks are also available to buy or borrow at your local libraries. West Sussex County Council produce one and so do East Sussex County Council. You can also find them in local book shops.

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Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:

Health Walks: Communities Team

Telephone01273 263311

Email this service

Full contact detailsFull contact details (Health Walks: Communities Team)

Page last updated: 03 March 2025

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