How is Public Art funded in Adur and Worthing?
Public Art projects can come about through a range of different routes.
Depending on the type and scale of the proposal developers can be required to deliver or pay for infrastructure to support the development. These payments, that form part of the planning permission, are called planning obligations. In Adur and Worthing these are delivered through Section 106 agreements. In addition, Worthing also collects the Community Infrastructure Levy.
Section 106 agreements are used to help mitigate the impact of a particular development. As part of the agreement, usually for larger schemes, the delivery of public art could be required on-site or contributions could be sought for off-site financial payments to go towards public arts projects in the local area.
Money accrued through the Community Infrastructure Levy, collected from liable developments in Worthing, can be spent on a wide-range of infrastructure which could include the provision of public art. If deemed to be a Council priority this could be delivered through the use of part of Strategic Pot. In addition, the CIL Neighbourhood Fund (15% of CIL) is used for local infrastructure projects proposed by organisations and community groups – again, this could include public art projects.
See also:
- Planning obligations and S106 - on the GOV.UK website
- Community Infrastructure Levy - on the GOV.UK website
- Worthing Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Worthing CIL Neighbourhood Fund
In addition to funding through planning obligations, the Councils will also encourage Public Art to be included in public realm improvements or be part of festivals and outdoor events. Public Art commissions can be proposed by artists or arts organisations to be funded externally by organisations like the Arts Council or other trusts or foundations. Adur & Worthing Councils aim to advertise commissions as and when these pots of money become available.
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Page last updated: 01 August 2022