Planning enforcement - policy and guidance
Adur & Worthing Councils have adopted a code of practice for the enforcement of planning control to let you know the service we will provide if you complain to the councils about an unauthorised activity or development, or non compliance with conditions imposed on a planning permission.
It is principally concerned with complaints relating to:
- unauthorised development including building operations or uses of buildings
or land - breaches of conditions imposed on planning permissions and consents
- unauthorised advertisements on buildings or land
- unauthorised alterations to listed buildings or demolition of buildings in
conservation areas - unauthorised works to trees protected by tree preservations orders (TPOs) or within
conservation areas - untidy and neglected land and buildings the condition of which adversely
affects the amenity of the neighbourhood
You can read our policy and guidance below:
See also:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Planning Enforcement
Page last updated: 29 October 2024