Submit a planning application, fees and forms
Before submitting your application please ensure you have read the information about do I need planning permission.
You may have wanted to make a:
See also:
Submit planning application
There are different forms depending on the type of application you are making and you may need to complete more than one, we encourage you to submit your applications online using the Planning Portal (the UK government's online planning and building regulations service) wherever possible.
Applications online
The Planning Portal enables you to:
- identify the correct form and to complete the planning application form online
- make your payment and attach your drawings
- buy site maps online, and
- calculate the planning fee using the online fee calculator
- pay for your application online if you choose
You can choose to send the application online, or print your application to post to us.
If you make an online planning application and don't supply drawings and other appropriate documents at the time of submission, you will need to bring or send them to us.
Applications by post / paper / email
Please note: There is a service charge for planning applications received by post or emailed directly to Adur & Worthing Councils to cover administration and scanning costs:
- from 13th January 2025: administrative charge of £62.50 (+VAT)
Alternatively, applications can be submitted online via the government's online planning and building regulations service on the Planning Portal website. The Planning Portal also makes a service charge for planning applications, you can find out more about application fees and service charges (on the Planning Portal website). Application fees are to be paid to the Planning Portal by using the payment options that are presented to you as part of the application process and before the application is submitted to the local authority.
Note: Applications for work to trees will not currently incur an administration charge for postal or email submissions direct to Adur & Worthing Councils. However, wherever possible we encourage applications to be submitted online using the Planning Portal website.
If you are unable or prefer not to use the Planning Portal to submit your application, you can download the most frequently used forms and notes.
These forms are not interactive and you will need to print them out in order to fill them in.
They can then be posted to us together with drawings and other appropriate documents.
Fees and how to pay
Most applications will require a fee. To find out how much a planning application costs use the fee calculator on the Planning Portal:
Payments can be made by debit/credit card by phoning 01903 221230, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. Please use the address as a reference.
We can accept:
Or by BACS, details below. Please use the address as a reference:
- Adur:
Account name: Adur District Council
Sort code: 30-80-12
Account No: 11766960 - Worthing:
Account name: Worthing Borough Council
Sort code: 30-80-12
Account No: 11723668
South Downs National Park (SDNPA):
- You can use the following link to see if your address is within the South Downs National Park:
- If your application falls within the South Downs National Park, please see:
Payment can be made at the time of submitting your application online when you submit your planning application online via the Planning Portal.
Alternatively you can download and print Planning forms.
Application for approval of details reserved by a condition
An application for approval of details reserved by a condition will require an application form listing each condition requesting approval, details of how you intend to meet those condition(s) for example, details of the materials to be used or style of the work, samples and supporting documents for example plans or photographs. It is important to make sure you include all that information that is needed for us to consider your application. The fee of £145, a reduced fee of £43 for householder applications where the related permission was for extending or altering a dwelling house or other development within the curtilage of a dwelling house, must be made when the request is made. Applications will not be registered if they do not meet these requirements. Decisions will be made in writing, we will respond within eight weeks unless a longer period has been agreed with the applicant. Please note there is no 'free go' for a resubmission.
Confirmation of compliance of condition(s): To seek compliance, you will need to email or write to the council, listing each condition requesting compliance and pay a fee. The fee of £145, a reduced fee of £43 for householder applications where the related permission was for extending or altering a dwelling house or other development within the curtilage of a dwelling house, must be made when the request is made. Applications will not be registered if they do not meet these requirements. Decisions will be made in writing, we will respond within eight weeks unless a longer period has been agreed with the applicant. Please note there is no 'free go' for a resubmission.
Application form, drawings and appropriate documents
For most applications we require two sets of the completed application form, drawings and appropriate documents. We have produced guides which explain what you need to supply with each application.
If you did not supply them with the online application, or have made a paper application you will need to bring or send them to us:
- a site location plan to a scale of 1:1250 with the curtilage (boundary) of the site edged in red. Any adjoining land that you own should be outlined in blue
- a block plan to a scale of 1:200 or 1:500 showing the location of the proposed work
- existing and proposed elevations to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 showing all sides of the proposal
- existing and proposed floor plans to a scale of 1:50 or 1:100
- existing and proposed site sections showing finished floor and site levels (1:50 or 1:100) if the site is not level or the proposed extension seeks to alter existing finished floor or site levels
- existing and proposed roof plan if the development is attached or changes the existing roof structure, at a scale of 1:200 or 1:100. Alternatively, for less complicated proposals you can include the roof plan on the 1:500 or 1:200 block plan
- you may submit manufactures' brochures for conservatories and garages and photos to illustrate your project. These are no substitute for scaled drawings
Your application may also require:
Local planning validation list
Each planning application form includes a checklist of standard planning application requirements. In addition, Adur & Worthing Councils has its own list of Local requirements. An application cannot be considered to be valid until it meets both the National and Local Requirements.
Local Validation List for Adur & Worthing Councils (445KB)
Local Validation List for Adur & Worthing Councils - Appendix 1 - List of documents (422KB)
Design and access statement
All applications will require a Design and Access Statement to be brought or sent to us with your application, whether you are making an online application or by paper application, except in the following instances:
- householder applications (including flats) for extensions/alterations to dwellings unless they are within an AONB, SSSI, a Listed Building, no additional units are being created or the floor space created would be less than 100m²
- applications solely for a material change of use (with no alterations)
- applications for engineering or mining operations
- applications to display advertisements
- applications for works to trees subject to TPO
- applications for hazardous substances consent
- applications to remove or vary a condition
- applications to extend the time limit for the implementation of an extant planning permission
- applications for a material change in use of the land or buildings
- applications for a waste development
Design and access statements need to explain and justify the following:
- use to which the development will be put
- the Design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development
- demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account
- explain the policy adopted to access and how policies relating to access in relevant local development documents have been taken into account
- state if any consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to access and what account has been taken of the outcome of any such consultation
- explain how any specific issues which might affect access has been addressed
- explain how policies relating to access in relevant local development documents have been taken into account
See also:
Heritage statement
The scope and degree of detail necessary in a heritage statement will vary accordingly to the particular circumstances of each application. Applicants are advised to discuss proposals with either a duty planning officer or the conservation officer before any application is made. The following is a guide to the sort of information that may be required.
For applications for listed building consent, a written statement that includes a schedule of works to the listed building(s), an analysis of the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact on the special character of the listed building or structure, its setting and the setting of adjacent listed buildings may be required. A structural survey may be required in support of an application for listed building consent.
Please refer to the:
See also:
Flood risk assessment
A flood risk assessment may be required depending on the location of the property or site and depending on whether the property sits within a flood risk area.
See also:
Surface water drainage proposal requirements
Adur & Worthing Councils have a duty to ensure that new developments do not increase flood risk and that surface water from the development is appropriately drained. We have therefore developed a 'Surface Water Drainage Proposals Checklist' for planning applicants and their consultants.
The checklist is designed to clearly outline our expectations and requirements for surface water drainage proposals. If applicants or their consultants submit a completed checklist with any surface water drainage proposals it will expedite the review process by the councils' drainage engineers.
The checklist can and should be used when completing discharge of conditions applications, or prior to that stage of the planning process should the applicant wish to avoid pre-commencement conditions relating to surface water drainage.
Before completing this checklist you are advised to read our:
Then please complete the:
During the planning process for major applications, applicants are often required to submit a verification report for appraisal by the local planning authority's (LPA's) drainage engineers. Adur & Worthing Councils have also produced a surface water drainage verification condition guidance note which should be read prior to commencement of development on major application sites:
Planning application guidance notes
We have produced a number of guides which will help you in your planning application:
Planning application guidance note - Extensions (800KB)
Planning application guidance note - Fences (581KB)
Planning application guidance note - Trees (831KB)
Planning application guidance note - Vehicular access (664KB)
Planning application guidance note - Windows (970KB)
See also:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Planning (Development Management)
Page last updated: 21 January 2025