Planning appeals
Introduction to appeals
The applicant has the right to appeal to the Secretary of State if they feel that their application has been unreasonably refused, had conditions placed on an approval which they disagree with or the application has not been decided within the requisite time period.
The process is administered by the Planning Inspectorate and details of the procedures are available on the Planning Appeals section of the GOV.UK website.
Appeals must be made within:
- 12 weeks for householder applications
- 8 weeks for advertisement consent
- 28 days for Tree Preservation Orders, and
- and six months for other types of applications from the date on the decision notice.
There is no right of appeal for third parties.
Before making an appeal we would encourage you to contact the planning officer to see if your application can be amended. You can amend your application and resubmit it, free of charge, within 12 months of the decision, provided the scheme is similar. You are only allowed one resubmission free of charge. You can also submit an application to amend a condition.
Appeals are usually time consuming and ideally should only be used as a last resort. You will receive notice of the Inspector's decision in writing.
Appeal process for householder applications
Please ensure you have first read the Introduction to appeals before proceeding.
Third parties representations
There will be no further opportunities for comments at the appeal stage.
We will however forward copies of all representations made to us in relation to the application, before it was determined, on to the Planning Inspectorate and the appellant.
The Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will consider these representations when determining the appeal.
You have a right to withdraw any representations you made so that they are not taken into consideration by the Inspector. If you wish to do so you should make this request to the Planning Inspectorate within four weeks of the appeal's starting date by contacting:
- the Customer Services Team, either by:
- emailing
- or by writing to:
- The Planning Inspectorate,
Room 3/05 Kite Wing,
Temple Quay House,
2 The Square,
Temple Quay,
- The Planning Inspectorate,
All information provided in your representation, including your name and address, will be published. If you object to publication in this way, please contact the Planning Inspectorate directly.
Appeal process for non-householder applications
Please ensure you have first read the Introduction to appeals before proceeding.
Third parties representations
Appeal guidance
For further information, please see:
Enforcement appeals
For further information on appeals against enforcement notices, please see:
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Planning (Development Management)
Page last updated: 08 August 2022