Retail (Worthing)
Worthing Town Centre Retail Study Update - March 2020
In light of the rapidly changing evolution of national market trends and in response to government policy/guidance evolution the Council commissioned consultants to prepare an update to the 2017 Study focusing specifically on Worthing Town Centre.
The study update will inform the forthcoming (Regulation 19) Draft Local Plan. The update reviews the previous evidence base and outputs and assesses the implications of change on the previous conclusions and recommendations.
It should be noted that this report was finalised at the start of the UK's response to the Covid-19 global pandemic (March 2020). Although reference is made to the pandemic and how it is contributing substantially to economic uncertainty the full implications for local economies and town centres are yet to be realised. Impacts will be carefully monitored.
Worthing Retail & Town Centre Uses Study - August 2017
To help inform the emerging Worthing Local Plan the Council commissioned consultants to undertake a borough-wide retail and commercial leisure study. The purpose of the study is to provide the Council with an up-to-date understanding of the current health and performance to the borough's retail and leisure offer within the existing network of town centres and set out current and future needs for additional floorspace for the town over the Plan period to 2033. It also provides recommendations regarding the suitability of the Council's existing policy approach in respect of retail and town centre uses.
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Page last updated: 13 May 2022