Housing - Other Housing Documents (Worthing)

See also:

Interim Position Statement (Aug 2019) - Clarification on the application of Core Strategy Policy 10 (affordable housing)

In recent years the Government has been keen to incentivise house building, particularly for small sites. Changes have been made to national planning policy to introduce the Vacant Building Credit and to amend the threshold for developer contributions. These changes are now a material planning consideration. A report (linked below) provides the background to these changes and sets out an approach that clarifies the policy position for the Borough, at least for the interim whilst a new Local Plan for Worthing is being prepared.

You can read the position statement and report to planning committee below:

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Study of Economic Viability of Affordable Housing Options 2007

This study considers the implications of potential affordable housing policy options on site viability:

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Page last updated: 13 May 2022

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