Employment & Economy (Worthing)
See also:
Worthing Employment Land Review (ELR)
Economic Research and Employment Land Review (April 2016)
The Economic Research and Employment Land Review (April 2016) has been prepared by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners (NLP) on behalf of Worthing Borough Council. It is intended to help inform future planning policies and allocations for ‘B class’ employment uses in the Borough up to 2033, in order to meet the economic development needs of the local economy.
The study provides an up-to-date understanding of the existing economic situation in Worthing and explores the employment growth potential of the local economy, in order to help inform the preparation of the new Local Plan for the Borough covering the period to 2033. It considers the economic development requirements of the Borough objectively in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG), highlighting the balance of demand for and supply of B class employment land in Worthing, and the potential policy approaches in relation to B class employment space that could be brought forward as part of the new Local Plan.
Worthing Employment Land Review Focused Update Final Report Worthing Borough Council September 2020
The purpose of this focused update is to provide updated evidence on the future growth potential of the Borough’s economy to support the new Local Plan and to review the 2016 Economic Research and Employment Land Review ( ERELR) study findings to confirm that the approach being taken by the Council is justified. The update therefore reviews the emerging policy approach to the local economy in light of changes to national planning policy that have occurred since the previous study.
It is important to note that this focused update has been undertaken during a period of significant economic uncertainty associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst some emerging implications have been considered, due to the timing of the analysis the updated economic growth scenarios do not specifically reflect the outbreak of Covid-19 and associated short, medium, or longer-term implications for growth within the Borough. In addition, due to the timing of this update study and its analysis, no specific consideration has been given to the impact of emerging planning reform, including the more immediate changes to the Use Classes Order which came into force from 1st September 2020. However, some of the key potential implications have been identified in the study and have been considered in the review of the local plan.
Adur & Worthing Hotel & Visitor Accommodation Futures Study - December 2013
This study provides an up-to-date, objective, evidence-based assessment of the opportunities and requirements for the future development of all forms of hotel and visitor accommodation across Adur & Worthing.
The findings are to be used to:
- inform planning policy development for hotels and visitor accommodation;
- guide the assessment of planning applications for hotel and visitor accommodation development and change of use proposals;
- and identify other interventions that the Councils can make to support and encourage hotel and visitor accommodation development and improvement and build market demand for overnight stays in the area
Study document:
Hotel Solutions Report 2016
In April 2016 a report was commissioned to assess the change of use of a seafront hotel (The Kingsway). This sets out evidence on the current performance of hotels within the Borough and provides an update to the 2013 study.
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Page last updated: 12 February 2025