Biodiversity, environment and open space (Worthing)
See also:
Worthing Landscape and Ecology Study
Hankinson Duckett Associates (HDA) was commissioned by Worthing Borough Councils to undertake a Landscape and Ecology Study of eight sites around the edge of the town which have been promoted for development through Worthing's Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). The main study provides a landscape, visual and ecological assessment for each opportunity and uses these findings to assess the suitability for development of each site. The Landscape and Ecology Study will form part of the evidence base for the emerging Worthing Local Plan.
Since the publication of the main study in 2015 additional work has been undertaken to assess two additional sites and to provide a more detailed review of the three areas in the original study that considered to have 'low' suitability for development. All additional work is available to view below:
- Worthing Landscape Ecology Study - November 2015 (12,457KB)
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 1 (6,019KB)
- Land North of Beeches Avenue
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 2 (6,108KB)
- Worthing United Football Club
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 3 (5,957KB)
- Land South of Upper Brighton Road
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 4 (4,159KB)
- Land north east of Amberley Drive (Goring-Ferring Gap)
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 5 (8,021KB)
- Chatsmore Farm
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 6 (8,032KB)
- Caravan Club, Titnore Way
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 7 (5,754KB)
- Land west of Fulbeck Avenue
- Appendix A - Ecological Report - Site 8 (5,609KB)
- Land north of West Durrington development
- Appendix B - WSCC Landscape Assessment Sheets (4,884KB)
- Appendix C - 2007 Worthing Local Character Areas (113KB)
- Appendix D - Extract from Natural England's Topic Paper 6 (1,519KB)
Additional work undertaken since the publication of the main study in 2015:
- Landscape Ecology Study Addendum - March 2017 (8,720KB)
- Site 9 (Land east of Titnore Lane) and Site 10 (Land off Dale Road)
- Ecological Report - Site 9 (2,761KB)
- Land east of Titnore Lane
- Ecological Report - Site 10 (3,097KB)
- Land off Dale Road
- Landscape Ecology Study - Review of low suitability sites - March 2017 (4,582KB)
- Upper Brighton Rd, Chatsmore Farm, North of West Durrington
- Landscape Ecology Study Combined Summary - March 2017 (911KB)
- Land north of West Durrington Development
- Land East of Titnore Lane - Comments on Revised Framework Plan (submitted in response to Reg 18 consultation (Jan 2020) (142KB)
Local Green Space Assessment
The Government introduced Local Green Space designations in its 2012 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The designation is intended to protect green spaces which are of particular importance to local communities. Applications for Local Green Space designations have been made for the Goring Gap, including Chatsmore Farm to the north and the Goring-Ferring Gap site to the south. These applications, along with Brooklands to the east of the borough, are being considered by Worthing Borough Council through its Local Plan process. The Council commissioned Hankinson Duckett Associates (HDA) to undertake an appraisal of the landscape suitability of these sites for designation as Local Green Spaces.
Goring Gap:
- Goring Gaps - Final Report (June 2018) (191KB)
- Goring Gaps - Appendices, Photos and Plans (14,956KB)
Biodiversity Annual Monitoring Report
A summary of the impact of planning applications on the biodiversity levels in Worthing Borough:
See also:
Ecosystem Service Maps
These maps have been produced by the Sussex Biodiversity Records Centre and Sussex Wildlife Trust. They consist of a series of maps showing green infrastructure assets, capacity, demand, service benefiting areas and management zones across a number of topic areas including accessible nature, air purification, carbon storage, education, green travel, local climate regulation, noise regulation, pollination and water purification.
Joint Sport, Leisure and Open Space Study (Adur and Worthing)
To assess current provision and identify specific needs (in terms of quality or quantity) in order to accommodate the demands arising from future growth Adur & Worthing Councils commissioned an up-to-date Joint Sport, Leisure and Open Space Study which consists of these components:
- Community and Stakeholder Consultation (2019) (821KB)
- Adur and Worthing Open Space Study (2019) (4,931KB)
- Open Space Study - Appendices (2020) - To be supplied on request - please contact the Planning Policy team
- Open Space Cost Calculator: A calculator tool has been provided to assess open space needs arising from development proposals and to assist calculating the extent of off site contributions where it is not possible to provide as part of the development:
- Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C - Key Issues & Findings Report (2019) (963KB)
- Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C - Needs Assessment Report (2019) (3,289KB)
- Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage D - Main Strategy (2019) (1,303KB)
- Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage D - Action Plan (2019) (1,766KB)
- Indoor / Built Sports Facility Needs Assessment Report (2019) (4,681KB)
They provide an assessment of current provision as well as identifying specific needs and quantitative or qualitative deficits or surpluses in provision in order to accommodate the demands arising from future growth. The Open Space Study also provides a quantitative assessment of the quality of publicly accessible open spaces in Adur and Worthing.
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Page last updated: 28 August 2024