The Plan Led System

See also:

Introduction to the planning system in England

The planning system seeks to make sure that things get built in the right place and in suitable locations. Planning also makes sure that development and growth are sustainable and that planning decisions will not damage the environment for future generations.

The role of town and country planning is to anticipate and respond to changes in the physical and built environment through the Development Plan and the determination of planning applications.

There is just one planning system in England, but it operates on a number of levels.

Local development is influenced by legislation and national policy. The National Planning Policy Framework and associated Planning Practice Guidance constitutes Government policy:

The planning system in England requires Local Planning Authorities to prepare Development Plans (Local Plans) outlining how planning will be managed for that area.

Planning decisions must be taken in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Most types of development need planning permission although certain changes of land/building use do not. Some minor building works - known as permitted development - are automatically allowed. For more information see:

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Adur planning

Adur has produced a Local Plan which is the principal document in the Adur Local Development Framework as it sets out the planning vision, strategy and policies for the Adur (outside the South Downs National Park), see:

See also:

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Worthing planning

The current Development Plan for Worthing is the Worthing Core Strategy (2011). However, the new Worthing Local Plan is well advanced and now carries some weight when determining planning applications. It is hoped that the Worthing Local Plan will be adopted later in 2022.

See also:

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South Downs National Park Authority

The South Downs National Park Authority has adopted its own Local Plan that covers the entire National Park area including those parts of Adur District and Worthing Borough which lie within the National Park:

See also:

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Page last updated: 08 August 2022

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