Call for Green Sites (Adur)
Adur District Council is currently preparing an update to the Adur Local Plan which will set a framework for future development across the district. A general Call for Sites with future development potential is currently open until 20th January 2022.
Call for Green Sites - have your say by 10th February 2022:
As well as allocating sites for new development in the Adur Local Plan, the Council is required to address a range of issues such as nature conservation and restoration, open space and green infrastructure, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. In order to identify suitable locations for these uses, the Council is inviting landowners, developers, communities and members of the public to propose sites suitable for a range of 'green' uses. These are:
- Local Green Space
- Local Wildlife Site
- Nature conservation/recovery
- Biodiversity net gain offsetting
- Open space
- Green/blue infrastructure
- Carbon offsetting
- Natural flood management
- Renewable energy generation, storage and infrastructure
Promoted sites will be considered for inclusion in the Adur Local Plan. If appropriate, sites may also be considered for inclusion in the emerging Green Infrastructure Strategy and Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
For further information on the kind of sites the Council is seeking, and how to submit sites, please see the guidance note below:
If you have a site(s) you wish to inform the Council of please complete a Site Assessment form(s) by 10th February 2022 using the form below:
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Planning Policy
Page last updated: 13 January 2022