Infrastructure and Transport (Adur)
Infrastructure can take many forms, it can be defined in physical, green and community terms, and is essential to support the Council's objectives of increased housing provision, economic growth and mitigating climate change, as well as creating thriving and sustainable communities. Planning and delivery are the means by which these infrastructure needs are identified and planned for, and how it then comes about.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
The Council has prepared this Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) alongside the Submission Adur Local Plan (2017) and forms part of the evidence base which supports it. The delivery of the right levels and type of infrastructure is essential to support new homes, economic growth and to protect the environment. It is important to note that the IDP is a mechanism for identifying the future infrastructure requirements of development proposed as a result of the Adur Local Plan.
As a 'live' document, the IDP will continue to be monitored, developed and updated, to support the Local Plan to, and beyond, its adoption.
Transport studies
The following infrastructure and transport studies are currently available:
Adur Local Plan and Shoreham Harbour Transport Study 2013
This study considers the transport impacts of strategic residential and commercial site allocations within Adur and Brighton & Hove in 2028 to inform the preparation of the Adur District Council Local Plan and the Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP). The purpose of the study is to identify the highway impacts of the site allocations and to explore appropriate mitigation measures.
Adur Local Plan and Shoreham Harbour Transport Study - Final report - August 2013 (22,855KB)
Adur Local Plan and Shoreham Harbour Transport Study - Report Addendum - June 2014 (16,902KB)
Adur Local Plan Second Addendum Transport Study 2016
This addendum considers an additional development scenario, which takes account of the evolution in the development strategy for the Adur District.
(Please note this has now been superseded by the Second Addendum Revised Reissue 2016 below)
Adur Local Plan - Transport Study - Second Addendum - Revised - Reissue September 2016
This supersedes the previous two versions of the transport study.
Adur Local Plan - Transport Study - Second Addendum - Revised - Reissue September 2016 (3,934KB)
Adur Local Plan - Transport Study - Second Addendum - Revised - Reissue September 2016 - Appendices A-G (9,452KB)
Adur Local Plan - Transport Study - Second Addendum - Revised - Reissue September 2016 - Appendix H (7,111KB)
Adur Local Plan - Transport Study - Second Addendum - Revised - Reissue September 2016 - Appendix I (6,799KB)
Adur District Traffic Trends - WSCC Full Note
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) modelled the impact of proposed development on the A27 and A259 traffic trends. This note (produced in 2016) looked at the use of traffic models and observed growth in assessing the impact of proposed development. It formed part of the evidence base for the Adur Local Plan 2017.
New Monks Farm, Lancing - Technical Note 2 - Phase 1 Residential Development Impact
This technical report considers the traffic impact of developing a first phase of 250 dwellings on the western part of the New Monks Farm site. This is based on the assumption that the residential dwellings would be ready to occupy prior to a new junction on the A27 being ready to serve the development.
New Monks Farm, Lancing - Technical Note 2 - Phase 1 Residential Development Impact (8,289KB)
New Monks Farm, Lancing - Technical Note 2 - Phase 1 Residential Development Impact - Comments by WSCC (57KB)
Shoreham Town Centre study
This report, from 2014, reviews what highways improvements are required in Shoreham-by-Sea town centre to aid existing vehicular circulation and pedestrian accessibility. It also develops recommendations to help to mitigate the impact of the proposed Shoreham Harbour Western Harbour Arm development on Shoreham town centre.
Parking provision
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) provides guidance on parking at new developments. The document, which was adopted in September 2020, applies to parking in residential developments where requirements are calculated on a site-specific basis using a demand calculator.
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Page last updated: 19 August 2024