Housing supply (Adur)
See also:
Adur District Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment
The revised National Planning Policy Framework (2019) introduced the Housing Delivery Test against which housing delivery will now be measured. The Housing Delivery Test measures housing delivery over the last three years against the adopted housing requirement for the same period.
This five-year housing land supply calculation reflects the position as at 1st April 2023. As Adur failed the Housing Delivery Test published in January 2022 the council has applied a 20% buffer to its five-year land supply calculation.
The revised five-year housing land supply calculation can be found here:
- Five Year Housing Land Supply 2023-2028 (Adur) (139KB)
- Five Year Housing Land Supply 2022-2027 (Adur) (156KB)
- Five Year Housing Land Supply 2020-2025 (Adur) (234KB)
- Five Year Housing Land Supply 2019-2024 (Adur) (620KB)
Adur Housing Implementation Strategy 2016
This Housing Implementation Strategy was prepared to support the Adur Local Plan 2011-2032, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 47).
It sets out the council's proposed approach to managing the delivery of housing over the Local Plan period 2011-2032 in order to support the housing delivery target of 3,718 dwellings.
The document includes the housing trajectory, identifies the sources of housing supply for the Plan period and the five-year housing land supply position as at 1st April 2016 for housing completions and commitments and the position at 31st October 2016 for the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment.
The document has a base date of 31st October 2016.
The document can be viewed below:
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
What is a SHLAA?
Government guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires all councils to assess the amount of land available for housing development and publish the results in the form of a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).
The primary role of the Assessment is to:
- identify sites with the potential for housing
- assess their housing potential
- assess when they are likely to be developed
The completed study forms part of the evidence base for Local Development Framework preparation and also the starting point for an annual monitoring of housing land availability.
A site's inclusion in the Assessment does not imply that it will be made available for housing. The SHLAA is a technical study and not a policy document. Its purpose is to identify possible housing sites and assess overall housing potential. Decisions on which sites should be brought forward for development will be determined through the Local Development Framework process.
Call for sites
The council is now undertaking a 'call for sites' for housing and employment. Landowners, developers, agents and other stakeholders with knowledge and interests in the area are now invited to either put forward potential sites for assessment, or provide any updated information on existing SHLAA sites. Sites must be capable of accommodating five or more dwellings (net). Sites should take into account the requirements for Biodiversity Net Gain. (The same form may be used for employment sites).
If you have a site(s) you wish to inform the Council of (or wish to make updates to information on existing sites) please complete a Site Assessment form(s) by 19th January 2025 using the form below:
Call for sites form:
- Call for sites - response form - to type into (224KB)
- Call for sites - response form - to hand write (299KB)
Updated methodology and call for sites 2020
Adur & Worthing Councils consulted on an updated methodology early in 2020. This included amendments to reflect the updated NPPF 2019 and the updated SHLAA guidance published by the Government.
Responses received, and changes made, can be viewed in Appendix 1:
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Methodology - August 2020 (424KB)
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Methodology - August 2020 - Appendices 1 and 2 (112KB)
Adur Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment & Employment Land Availability Assessment Update 2023
The SHLAA will be updated as part of the council's Annual Monitoring Report. The SHLAA & ELAA 2023 update can be viewed below:
Adur Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update 2022
The SHLAA will be updated as part of the council's Annual Monitoring Report. The SHLAA 2022 update can be viewed below:
Adur Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update 2021
The SHLAA will be updated as part of the council's Annual Monitoring Report. The SHLAA 2021 update can be viewed below:
Adur Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update 2020
The SHLAA will be updated as part of the council's Annual Monitoring Report. The SHLAA 2020 update can be viewed below:
Adur Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update 2019
The SHLAA will be updated annually in December as part of the councils Annual Monitoring Report. The SHLAA 2019 Update can be viewed below:
Adur Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Update 2018
The SHLAA will be updated annually in December as part of the councils Annual Monitoring Report. The SHLAA 2018 Update can be viewed below:
SHLAA in the South Downs National Park
From the 1st April 2013 the South Downs National Park Authority directly receives all new SHLAA site submissions within its area.
The details on how to submit a SHLAA site within the South Downs National Park can be found by:
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Page last updated: 25 November 2024