Housing need (Adur)
See also:
Strategic Market Housing Assessment (SHMA) 2020
Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMA) help local authorities to understand their local housing markets and assist them in developing their planning and housing policies. They provide an assessment of needs for all types of housing, taking account of demographic projections and the needs of different groups in the community, as well as housing demand and the level of housing supply necessary to meet this demand. The SHMA provides valuable insights into how housing markets operate both now and in the future and form a key element of the evidence base to support the Council's Local Plan. The latest SHMA is linked below:
SHMA 2012
The Coastal West Sussex Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) Update was prepared by GL Hearn for the local authorities of Adur, Arun, Chichester and Worthing (which together comprise the Coastal West Sussex Sub-Region) and for the South Downs National Park Authority.
Objectively Assessed Needs Housing Update 2016
This report was prepared to support the adopted Adur Local Plan 2017. It used the 2014-based Sub-National Population projections and 2014 based Household Projections, published in 2016. It formed a short update to the 2015 report 'Objectively Assessed Housing Need: Adur District' (below).
The 2016 report looked at the period 2011-2032. This was extended from 2031 to ensure that the study covered 15 years from the anticipated adoption of the Plan. However, for the most up-to-date assessment of housing needs in Adur, please see the Adur and Worthing Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) published in 2020 (above).
Objectively Assessed Need for Housing: Adur District 2015
This study was carried out to form part of the Adur Local Plan evidence base, as it was being prepared. It was based on 2012 based household projections published by the Government in February 2015, and was guided by the requirements of the National Planning Policy Guidance and Planning Practice Guidance.
However for the most up-to-date assessment of housing needs in Adur, please see the Adur and Worthing Strategic Housing Market Assessment published in 2020 (above).
Housing needs across the wider sub-region
Assessment of Objectively Assessed Housing Needs Study 2014
Note: that this study has now been superseded by the Objectively Assessed Need for Housing: Adur District 2015 (above).
Following the Duty to Co-operate (Housing) Study 2013, the local authorities within the Sussex Coast Housing Market Area (HMA) commissioned GL Hearn to update demographic projections and draw them together with wider evidence to provide an assessment of housing need up to 2031.
These updated projections take account of outputs from the 2011 Census, including the 2011-based interim Sub-National Population Projections (SNPP) and revised Mid-Year Population Estimates and components of change. The study also has regard to the Planning Practice Guidance published in March 2014.
This study therefore revises the assessment of housing need in the Duty- to Co-operate (Housing) Study 2013.
Updated Demographic Projections for Sussex Coast HMA Authorities - August 2013
Note: that this study has now been superseded.
Housing Study (Duty to Co-operate) 2013
A Housing Duty to Co-operate Study was completed by consultants GL Hearn to examine the housing requirements of authorities within the housing sub-market area (Adur, Arun, Brighton & Hove, Chichester, Lewes, Worthing and the South Downs National Park Authority). Linked to the SHMA update, this considers land supply and constraints to development (including the environment and infrastructure) in order to assess the appropriate balance between potential supply and demand for market and affordable housing at a district, and Housing Market Area level.
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Page last updated: 19 August 2024