Biodiversity, environment, green infrastructure and open space (Adur)
See also:
Joint Sport, Leisure and Open Space Study (Adur and Worthing)
To assess current provision and identify specific needs (in terms of quality or quantity) in order to accommodate the demands arising from future growth Adur & Worthing Councils commissioned an up-to-date Joint Sport, Leisure and Open Space Study which consists of these components:
Community and Stakeholder Consultation (2019) (821KB)
Adur and Worthing Open Space Study (2019) (4,931KB)
- Open Space Study - Appendices (2020) - To be supplied on request - please contact the Planning Policy team
- Open Space Cost Calculator: A calculator tool has been provided to assess open space needs arising from development proposals and to assist calculating the extent of off site contributions where it is not possible to provide as part of the development:
Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C - Key Issues & Findings Report (2019) (963KB)
Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage C - Needs Assessment Report (2019) (3,289KB)
Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage D - Main Strategy (2019) (1,303KB)
Playing Pitch Strategy - Stage D - Action Plan (2019) (1,766KB)
Indoor / Built Sports Facility Needs Assessment Report (2019) (4,681KB)
They provide an assessment of current provision as well as identifying specific needs and quantitative or qualitative deficits or surpluses in provision in order to accommodate the demands arising from future growth. The Open Space Study also provides a quantitative assessment of the quality of publicly accessible open spaces in Adur and Worthing.
Adur District Green Infrastructure Wildlife Corridors Study (IWGS)
This report, published in December 2009, is a study of the existing extent of green infrastructure and wildlife corridors within Adur District and the Shoreham JAAP area. It identifies opportunities to create new Green Infrastructure and green links within the JAAP area and links to the existing green network. It also identifies opportunities to create new Green Infrastructure and green links within the Sompting and Lancing area and links to the existing green network.
Adur District Green Infrastructure Wildlife Corridors Study (IWGS) 2009 (446KB)
IWGS 2009 Figure 1 - Adur District Existing Extent Green Infrastructure (1,806KB)
IWGS 2009 Figure 2 - Sompting and Lancing green infrastructure opportunities (1,720KB)
IWGS 2009 Figure 3 - Shoreham JAAP Green Infrastructure Opportunities (2,021KB)
Local Nature Reserves (LNR)
For more information about these Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) in Adur, see:
Adur Landscape Character Assessment 2022
This landscape character assessment consolidates and updates landscape character and sensitivity studies prepared in 2006 and 2016 for planning policy purposes.
Adur Landscape Sensitivity Assessment 2022
This Landscape Sensitivity Assessment forms part of the evidence base for the Adur Local Plan update.
Landscape study update 2016
The Landscape Study Update was published in January 2016 to inform the (emerging) Adur Local Plan. It is part of a set of two reports which includes an update to the assessment of overall landscape sensitivity. The New Monk’s Farm report focuses on two options for development of a site at New Monks Farm, at Mash Barn Lane on the eastern fringes of Lancing, which is allocated for development in the Adur Local Plan.
Adur Landscape Study Update - 2016 (3,261KB)
Adur landscape sensitivity assessment - 2016 (6,846KB)
New Monk's Farm - 2016 (3,617KB)
Landscape and Ecology Study 2012
This original landscape and ecology study published in November 2012 provides an assessment of greenfield sites in Adur District which have been identified as having the potential to provide new housing and other development.
Landscape and Ecological Surveys of Key Sites in Adur - Main Report (4,177KB)
Landscape and Ecological Surveys of Key Sites in Adur - Technical annex (4,569KB)
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of New Monks Farm, Lancing (4,722KB)
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of North East Hasler, Lancing (4,573KB)
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of North West Hasler, Lancing (4,852KB)
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of Shoreham Airport (1,863KB)
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of Sompting Fringe (3,938KB)
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal of Sompting North (2,527KB)
Shoreham Airport development proposals masterplan - broad overview of landscape and visual issues
This report published in April 2013 provides an overview of the key landscape and visual issues that are relevant to the proposed development at Shoreham Airport. The assessment takes account of the findings of the strategic landscape assessment undertaken in November 2012.
A27 options for development access - landscape and visual appraisal
This landscape and visual assessment of alternative options for the A27 highway access associated with two development sites at New Monk’s Farm and Shoreham Airport.
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Page last updated: 03 December 2024