Planning forms to print
Please note: We would always recommend that you make a planning application online
But all the application forms are also available to download as PDF documents which you can print out, complete and submit by post. They can then be posted to us together with required drawings and appropriate documents.
Fees: Most applications will require a fee. You can find out how calculate the fee for your application.
Downloadable forms and guidance include:
- Householder applications
- Full planning applications
- Listed building or conservation areas consents
- Advertisement consent
- Non-material amendments following grant of planning permission
- Tree works
- Lawful development certificates
- Reserved matters and removal or variation of conditions
- Agricultural or forestry notifications
- Hedgerow removal
- Outline planning permission
- Miscellaneous applications
- Ownership forms and certificates
Download a form:
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Planning (Development Management)
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Page last updated: 04 December 2023