Goring Recreation Ground
and playground
Fernhurst Drive
West Sussex
BN12 5AR
Facilities and attractions
Equipment list for Goring Recreation playground
- Smaller children's play equipment - 2 to 6 years typically
- Older children's play equipment - 6 years onwards typically
This site was purchased in 1935 and contains:
- a football pitch
- a cricket square including a non-turf pitch
- cricket practice nets
- cricket pavilion leased by Goring Cricket Club
- children's play area
See also
Goring Cricket Club
The cricket and football pitches are well used throughout the year predominantly by Goring Cricket Club who have adult and junior teams. In recent years Goring has been used to host several Junior County cricket matches.
Goring Cricket Club was formed in 1877 by the Reverend Thorpe of Goring Parish Church. The Club is believed to have played in the fields adjacent to Goring Hall and it was not until 1920 that it permanently located at Goring Street on land owned by a local farmer and used to graze cattle! - now Goring Recreation Ground.
In 2002 Worthing Borough Council in conjunction with Goring Cricket Club, received a grant from the Sport England Lottery Fund towards new equipment. Contributions were also made by the Lord's Taverners and Sussex Cricket Board. The equipment includes a double bay practice net, an outer protective fence and gate and bowling machine.
The facilities are currently being used by three cricket clubs (including Goring) and two local schools, providing access for approximately 100 adult and 200 junior players. It is hoped that amongst those youngsters there might be someone who can go on and follow in Jason Lewry's steps and turn out for Sussex.
Worthing born and bred Jason Lewry, joined Goring Cricket Club as a Colt at the age of 12 where he played his junior and club senior cricket until his 'discovery' by the County Club in 1993.
He made his debut for Sussex in 1994 and was capped in 1996. In 1999 he was selected for England 'A' for the ECB tour of Zimbabwe and South Africa. In 2002, Sussex C.C.C. have awarded him his Benefit Year.
The Club is justifiably proud of its long cricketing heritage and the fact that it has produced a county player. It is also proud of its achievements in more recent times with the development of a clubhouse and members bar exclusively funded from the Club resources.
For more details see: Goring Cricket Club - on Facebook
See also 'how to book cricket or football' at this site below.
How to book cricket or football at this site
To book cricket or football at this site please contact our Sports Booking Team.
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Environmental Services
Sports Booking Team
Page last updated: 17 August 2021