Mill Hill Local Nature Reserve
Mill Hill,
West Sussex
See also:
Adur District is fortunate to have a wealth of exceptional countryside open to the public, and one such site is Mill Hill, a Local Nature Reserve owned by Adur District Council. Mill Hill is managed in partnership with the South Downs National Park. This site is important for its chalk grassland, a rare and diverse habitat. Today only three percent of unimproved chalk grassland remains in Sussex.
It is difficult to maintain the grassland to prevent it from overgrowing with scrub when it is not grazed. If the scrub takes over, we will lose many of the indigenous flowers and insects that inhabit the chalk grassland. It is planned to graze the sites with animals for a few weeks during the winter to prevent the loss of grassland.
Mill Hill is popular for its outstanding views across the Adur Valley. In spring and summer the hill is bursting with wild flowers and butterflies, including the rare Adonis Blue butterfly.
Mill Hill - Access for all
Mill Hill has a 500-metre easy access trail, which enables less mobile people to enjoy this site.
There are no steps or steep gradients on the trail and benches are located every 150 metres to provide plenty of resting places.
See also:
Local nature reserves
If you would like to find out more about local nature reserves, chalk grassland or grazing please refer to the following external websites:
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Page last updated: 07 September 2021