Conservation & Countryside
- General Information

Environmental community groups and participation

The countryside in Adur and Worthing is important for its landscape beauty, as well as its variety of attractive habitats. The Councils' Parks Section encourages community involvement in the conservation management of its countryside areas within the open spaces.

There are several main groups of volunteers who undertake task days throughout the year to enhance wildlife value, improve access and build a sense of community ownership. The Groups are affiliated to the:

In addition to these Groups there are several Forums that meet, which all have similar aims and objectives, to improve the environmental aspects of the area.

The Councils consider environmental education to be of vital importance in helping to shape the future of the area. Educational programmes encourage the public to be aware of and concerned about, the local environment.

Campaigns have included an Environmental Week Trailer, Buy Recycled and Car Free Day.

Schools are encouraged to maintain and develop their district contribution to sustainable development through waste reduction, energy conservation and promotion of walk to school campaigns. The Councils assists the education Authority with school visits, assistance with local projects and student placements.

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Downland open spaces

The Councils own large areas of Downland on the outskirts of the area. Various bodies are involved from time to time in the management of these sites you can find out about them on the following external websites:

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Conservation Groups

  • Bost Hill
  • Chalk Pit Wood, Hillbarn
  • Coombe Rise
  • Durrington Pond
  • Friends of Lancing Ring
  • Heene Cemetery
  • Honeysuckle Lane
  • Ilex Way
  • Storrington Rise
  • Tenants Hill
  • The Gallops
  • The Plantation
  • West Hill
  • Whitebeam Woods

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Worthing Conservation Volunteers

A small group of committed wildlife enthusiasts that help to manage countryside areas where Worthing meets the South Downs.

Their activities include footpath management, pond work and coppicing carried out on fortnightly task days.

For more details see:

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Friends of Chalk Pit Woods

Inspired by the Woodland Trust and the Trees of Time and Place Initiative a group has been formed that is affiliated to the Sussex Wildlife Trust to continue the development of the 'Chalk Pit' Wood, planted to celebrate the new Millenium at Hillbarn Golf Course. The area has been enlarged further with planting on old tip land to the east of the wood. Ash, Oak, Beech, Hazel and various shrub species have been planted. The area provides valuable wildlife habitats and local amenity woodland close to the Town.

The groups also manage an allotment on which tree seedlings and donated trees are grown on for planting in the woodland and elsewhere in the area.

On an area of existing semi-natural woodland adjacent to 'Chalk Pit Woods' the group undertakes woodland management tasks.

For details of this group please contact:

  • Tony Holmes on 01903 532359

See also:

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Page last updated: 04 December 2024

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