Worthing car parks
Alphabetical list of car parks by type:
Note: Prices correct as at 30th August 2024.
Postcodes are included below to give approximate locations of car parks.
Multi-storey car parks:
Surface car parks:
See also:
Long stay:
Town centre multi-storey car parks (MSCP)
- All multi-storey car parks are open 24 hours a day
- Lifts operational hours:
- Monday to Saturday: 8am to 6pm
- Sunday: 10am to 5pm
- Public and Bank Holidays: 10am to 5pm
Buckingham Road multi-storey car park (BN11 1TH)
- 235 spaces (259 total)
- 15 disabled spaces
- 2 dementia friendly spaces
- 7 parent and child spaces
- height barrier: 1.8m (6' 2")
- Buckingham Road MSCP MiPermit cashless parking code: 702228 - find out how to use MiPermit
Grafton multi-storey car park (BN11 3PZ)
- 434 spaces (440 total)
- 6 disabled spaces
- height barrier: 1.98m (6' 6")
- Grafton MSCP MiPermit cashless parking code: 702229 - find out how to use MiPermit
High Street multi-storey car park (BN11 1NY)
Please note: From Sunday 23rd to Friday 28th March, Hemiko will be installing the foundations of its new energy centre outside the front of our multi-storey car park in High Street which means that the main entrance to the car park will be inaccessible. There will be a diversion in place to allow you to enter and exit the car park - please follow the signs to access the car park via Chatsworth Road.
- 624 spaces (632 total)
- 6 disabled spaces
- 2 electric car charge point spaces
note: EV charging is a separate cost, in addition to the parking cost below - height barrier: 2.05m (6' 9")
- High Street MSCP MiPermit cashless parking code: 702227 - find out how to use MiPermit
Multi-storey car park (MSCP) prices:
- Buckingham Road, Grafton and High Street MSCPs: pay on arrival
- FAQs about changes to paying for parking in our multi-storey car parks
- Blue Badge holders: these charges apply to all parking bays, including the disabled bays. Your Blue Badge must be displayed if you park in a disabled bay.
- Monday to Saturday rate: 6am to 10pm, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.40
- Up to 2 hours - £2.80
- Up to 3 hours - £4.20
- Up to 4 hours - £5.60
- Up to 5 hours - £7.00
- Over 5 hours or all day - £11.80
- Sunday rate: 6am to 10pm, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.10
- Up to 3 hours - £3.20
- Up to 4 hours - £4.20
- Up to 5 hours or all day - £5.40
- Night rate: 10pm to 6am:
- No charge
- Season tickets are available
- See also:
Please note:
Civic Quarter multi-storey car park (MSCP), Civic Place (off Richmond Road), Worthing (BN11 1JF)
- 173 spaces (181 total) - note: restrictions apply at different times of the day, please refer to signage on the parking bays for restrictions on their use:
- some spaces are NHS only - 24 hours a day
- some spaces are NHS only - 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
- some spaces are council pool cars only
- some spaces are available for general use
- 9 disabled spaces - inside the MSCP main building
- 8 disabled spaces - outside the MSCP main building
- 34 electric car charge point spaces
- height barrier: 2.1m (6' 9")
- Civic Quarter multi-storey car park MiPermit cashless parking code: 702225 - find out how to use MiPermit
Multi-storey car park prices:
- EV charging is a separate cost, in addition to the parking cost below
- Blue Badge holders: these charges apply to all parking bays, including the disabled bays. Your Blue Badge must be displayed in addition to the pay & display ticket.
- Monday to Saturday (day tariff), including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.40
- Up to 2 hours - £2.80
- Up to 3 hours - £4.20
- Up to 4 hours - £5.60
- Up to 5 hours - £7.00
- All day - £11.80 (6am to 10pm)
- Sundays (day tariff), including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.10
- Up to 3 hours - £3.20
- Up to 4 hours - £4.20
- Up to 5 hours/All day (6am to 10pm) - £5.40
- Monday to Sunday - night tariff, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.10
- Up to 3 hours - £3.20 (max charge)
Long stay:
Teville Gate car park
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702221 - find out how to use MiPermit
- Open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Chargeable every day Monday to Sunday, including Public and Bank Holidays
- Charges between 8am to 6pm:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.50
- Up to 2 hours - £2.70
- Up to 3 hours - £4.20
- Up to 4 hours - £5.60
- All day - £6.50 (8am to 6pm)
- Charges between 6pm to 8am, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.10
- Up to 3 hours - £3.20
- Max - £3.20
- Season tickets are available
- Blue Badge holders can park for free in designated disabled bays only for up to 3 hours. Normal tariff applies in standard bays.
Long stay:
Montague Centre car park (BN11 1YJ)
- 107 spaces (117 total)
- 10 disabled spaces
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702222 - find out how to use MiPermit
Opening times and prices:
- Open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Chargeable every day Monday to Sunday, including Public and Bank Holidays
- Charges between 6am to 6pm:
- Up to 30 minutes - £1.00
- Up to 1 hour - £1.50
- Up to 2 hours - £3.10
- Up to 3 hours - £4.50
- Up to 4 hours - £6.70
- Up to 6 hours - £8.30
- All day - £15.00 (6am to 6pm)
- Charges between 6pm to 6am, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.20
- Up to 3 hours - £3.30
- Up to 4 hours - £4.40
- Max - £4.40
Blue Badge holders can park for free in designated disabled bays only for up to 3 hours. Normal tariff applies in standard bays.
Long stay by the coast:
Beach House East car park
Beach House West car park
Beach House East car park (BN11 2EN)
- 22 spaces (27 total)
- 5 disabled spaces
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702213 - find out how to use MiPermit
Beach House West car park (BN11 2EN)
- 92 spaces (94 total)
- 2 disabled spaces
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702214 - find out how to use MiPermit
Opening times and prices:
- Day rate: 6am to 6pm, pay and display, 7 days a week, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.40
- Up to 2 hours - £2.50
- Up to 3 hours - £3.80
- Up to 4 hours - £5.00
- Up to 6 hours - £6.50
- All day - £7.90 (6am to 6pm)
- Night rate: 6pm to 6am, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.10
- Up to 3 hours - £3.20
- Max - £3.20
- Car park open 24 hours a day
Blue Badge holders can park for free in designated disabled bays only for up to 3 hours. Normal tariff applies in standard bays.
Long stay by the coast:
Brooklands Western Road car park
Brooklands Brighton Road East car park
Brooklands Brighton Road West car park
Brooklands Western Road car park (BN15 8RX)
- 106 spaces (126 total)
- 20 disabled spaces
- 2 electric car charge point spaces (temporarily unavailable)
note: EV charging is a separate cost, in addition to the parking cost below - height barrier: 1.88m (6' 2") - any customers with a high sided vehicle wishing to gain entry should contact the Car Parks Team on 01903 213684
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702217 - find out how to use MiPermit
- Location: to the north of the lake in Brooklands Park - off Western Road (on the eastern edge of Brooklands Park)
Brooklands Brighton Road East car park (BN11 2HP)
- 79 spaces (85 total)
- 6 disabled spaces
- height barrier: 2m (6' 6")
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702223 - find out how to use MiPermit
- Location: off the A259 coast road, Brighton Road (on the southern edge of Brooklands Park, next to Brighton Road West car park)
Brooklands Brighton Road West car park (BN11 2HP)
- 66 spaces (71 total)
- 5 disabled spaces
- height barrier: 2m (6' 6")
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702216 - find out how to use MiPermit
- Location: off the A259 coast road, Brighton Road (on the southern edge of Brooklands Park, next to the BP petrol station)
Opening times and prices:
- Pay and display: 7 days a week, 8am to 6pm, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 30 minutes - £0.80
- Up to 1 hour - £1.20
- Up to 2 hours - £1.80
- Up to 3 hours - £2.40
- Up to 6 hours - £3.00
- All day - £3.00 (8am to 6pm)
- Night rate:
- No charge
- Car park open 24 hours a day
- Season tickets are available
Blue Badge holders can park for free in designated disabled bays only for up to 3 hours. Normal tariff applies in standard bays.
Long stay by the hospital:
Lyndhurst Road car park
Formerly known as Lyndhurst Road East and West car parks.
Lyndhurst east car park (BN11 2DG)
- 56 spaces (59 total)
- 3 disabled spaces
- height barrier: 2m (6' 6")
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702220 - find out how to use MiPermit
Lyndhurst west car park (BN11 2DG)
- 141 spaces (146 total)
- 5 disabled spaces
- height barrier: 2m (6' 6")
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702220 - find out how to use MiPermit
Opening times and prices:
- Day rate: 6am to 6pm, pay and display, 7 days a week, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.50
- Up to 2 hours - £2.70
- Up to 3 hours - £4.20
- Up to 4 hours - £5.60
- Up to 5 hours - £7.00
- All day - £9.00 (6am to 6pm)
- Night rate: 6pm to 6am, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.10
- Up to 3 hours - £3.20
- Max - £3.20
- Car park open 24 hours a day
- Season tickets are available
Blue Badge holders can park for free in designated disabled bays only for up to 3 hours. Normal tariff applies in standard bays.
Short stay by the coast:
Marine Crescent car park (BN12 4JG)
- 53 spaces (55 total)
- 2 disabled spaces
- height barrier: 2m (6' 6")
- Free up to maximum waiting time of 4 hours
- No return within 2 hours on the same calendar day
- except season ticket holders
Short stay - up to 3 hours:
High Street surface car park, Worthing (BN11 1NT)
- 44 spaces (47 total)
- 3 disabled spaces
- 2 bays reserved for Enterprise Car Club: Residents can join via Enterprise's website or visit the Enterprise local office on Tarring Road for an introductory offer. See also FAQs on the Enterprise website
- 7 bays reserved for NHS displaying an authorised permit issue by the council
- MiPermit cashless parking code: 702219 - find out how to use MiPermit
- Day rate: 6am to 6pm, pay and display 7 days a week, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £2.00
- Up to 2 hours - £3.70
- Up to 3 hours - £5.70
- Night rate: 6pm to 6am, pay and display 7 days a week, including Public and Bank Holidays:
- Up to 1 hour - £1.10
- Up to 2 hours - £2.10
- Up to 3 hours - £3.20
- Max - £3.20
- All car parks are open 24 hours a day
Blue Badge holders can park for free in designated disabled bays only for up to 3 hours. Normal tariff applies in standard bays.
FAQs about changes to paying for parking in our multi-storey car parks
Why have you changed the payment system?
The automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system previously used at High Street, Grafton and Buckingham Road multi-storey car parks came to the end of its life and needed to be replaced.
We implemented the ANPR system at Worthing's multi-storey car parks in 2014. Since then, a portion of motorists had problems entering the parking facilities, paying and leaving because the technology failed to read the number plates correctly.
It was unreliable and increasingly suffered from outages. It was also expensive to keep going, meaning important funds were diverted away from other public services.
We therefore decided to install new payment machines at our multi-storey car parks rather than pay for the expensive new number plate recognition technology.
How does the new system work at Worthing's multi-storey car parks?
Motorists now need to pay for their stay when they arrive at our multi-storeys, as they do at our surface car parks. Customers will be required to enter their vehicle registration number at the payment machines and select how long they wish to stay.
No ticket will be produced as there's no requirement to display a ticket on the dashboard of your car. The machine will log the fact that visitors have paid and will send details to the patrolling officer so they know the vehicle has a valid parking session in place.
Drivers can pay using coins or card at the machine or use the MiPermit app, where they can also easily extend their stay. The changes mean we now have more members of our parking team out and about in our car parks who will be able to speak to customers that need help.
We believe the new system will also reduce congestion after events in the town, such as bonfire night, when everyone is wanting to leave at the same time. Previously the ANPR system has led to significant delays at the payment machines.
Won't losing ANPR reduce the amount of time people spend in our town centre?
Anyone paying by app will be able to extend their stay without returning to the car park, and we do expect more people to pay by app now the new system is fully adopted.
People paying at machines can walk back to their car park to top up their stay at the machines, which will be located near the exits/entrances. Alternatively, they can use the MiPermit app to create a new parking session or extend an existing MiPermit session.
How do I extend my stay on the MiPermit app?
If you pay by the app a countdown for your parking session will automatically appear. Users of the app can also request a notification to their phone to remind them when their current parking session has nearly expired.
When paying by the app, you can easily extend your parking session while away from your vehicle if you have registered for an account (which is free to set up). In order to make a payment via the app, you will need to enter your vehicle registration number, the location code for the car park (which is on signs near the payment machines) and select how long you wish to park for.
Is the new system more user-friendly?
We hope you think so! Despite our best efforts, the ANPR system wasn't very user-friendly for those who are less tech savvy, even when the system worked as it should. Users often needed support from our staff to make their payment. Under the new system, we now have more staff on the ground to provide help if people need it.
Once paid, do I need to return to my car to display a parking ticket?
No, customers will not be required to place a ticket in their car. If you pay at the machine, you can print a receipt to take with you if you'd like one.
Has the new system affected town centre workers or guests staying at hotels?
We know the town centre workers deal and hotel concession is popular with businesses and their employees, providing discounted parking for people who work locally.
The changes we've made mean town centre workers and hotel guests will now need to register using the MiPermit app, in a similar way that our residents do within the controlled parking zone.
Once registered, they will be able to purchase permits in bulk and activate them as and when they need them. They can be activated one day at a time or up in bulk - customers can activate as many permits they wish in one go. Once activated, permits can also be cancelled at any point prior to them going live.
Users of the scheme will never have to go to a payment machine. The permits will be registered on the system and users will not need to display anything in their vehicles. They will also be able to come and go during the day as they currently do.
The day rate, which currently stands at £6.40 (plus the 25p administration fee), has not been affected by the change in technology. Drivers can also purchase season tickets for our car parks.
The advantage of the town centre workers deal is that it offers better value for money for drivers who do not use the service every day and stay longer than four hours.
Park Mark Award
The Park Mark Award is awarded by the British Parking Association (BPA) to car parks that have undergone a rigorous assessment and have met challenging standards as part of the Safer Parking Scheme.
Many of the Adur District and Worthing Borough Council Car Parks have achieved the Park Mark Award and in addition to this many also have achieved the Disabled Parking Accreditation.
You can search which car parks in Adur and Worthing have achieved the Park Mark Award and the Disabled Parking Accreditation by following the link below:
To find out more about the Safer Parking Scheme, please follow the link below
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Parking permits and enforcement requests (NSL Parking Team)
Car parks and on-street parking (Adur & Worthing Parking Services Team)
Page last updated: 17 March 2025