Report a parking issue
Do you want to:
See also:
Report a damaged or faulty parking ticket machine
Please report any damaged or broken parking ticket machines to us, telling us the machine's location and what's wrong with it.
Contact NSL Services:
- NSL Services aim to respond to a machine fault within 4 hours
Report a problem with a car park
Please report any problems with a car park, telling us which car park and what's wrong with it.
Please contact the Parking Team:
Report an illegally or dangerously parked vehicle
If you see a vehicle parked where it shouldn't be then you can report it to us. This might include vehicles:
- on a yellow line or on double yellow lines
- in a restricted zone
- without a valid permit
A Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) on duty nearby will be asked to visit the location and assess the situation. If necessary a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) may be issued.
To report an illegally parked vehicle please contact NSL Services:
However, if a parked car is causing an obstruction, or is a danger to other road users please contact Sussex Police on 101, or online:
- Report it via the Operation Crackdown website
(then click on: Anti-Social Driving - Report an Incident - What type of Anti-social driving? - and select "unnecessary obstruction" or other category)
Tell us about Gypsies and Travellers
If the issue relates to Gypsies and Travellers please see our:
Report parking fraud or permit misuse
If you suspect someone of using a parking permit that they are not entitled to, or of misusing it, please report it to us. Contact NSL Services:
If you suspect fraudulent use of a Blue Badge, please report it to West Sussex County Council (WSCC):
Any allegation will be investigated in the strictest confidence.
Report parking on grass verges or pavements
This is dealt with by West Sussex County Council (WSCC):
Report a faulty sign, road marking or pothole
Find out how to report a faulty sign, pothole or other road surface issue, please see:
Make a complaint about a traffic warden (Civil Enforcement Officer)
If you wish to make a complaint or provide feedback regarding one of our Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) you need to contact NSL Services:
Make a complaint about a bailiff
If you wish to raise a concern about a bailiff in relation to a parking matter you will need to contact the relevant bailiff agency directly via their website:
To provide feedback regarding any other parking issue, please follow the link below. All complaints need to be made in writing:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Parking permits and enforcement requests (NSL Parking Team)
Car parks and on-street parking (Adur & Worthing Parking Services Team)
Page last updated: 02 August 2024