Worthing Borough Council urges government to support immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Released: Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Worthing Borough Council has urged the government to support calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.

Cllr Carl Walker, the deputy leader of the council, has written to the prime minister and foreign secretary on behalf of the Full Council, urging them to back an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza.

Our action follows the submission of a deputation by local group Parents for Peace Worthing at Tuesday's (20th February 2024) Full Council meeting.

In the statement submitted to us, Parents for Peace Worthing said:

“We are horrified by the continuing violence and the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, and call for our local council representatives to show solidarity with all people affected by the conflict and lobby the government for an immediate permanent ceasefire and the upholding of international humanitarian law.”

Cllr Walker’s letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron calls for the government to support an immediate, permanent ceasefire, unfettered access to humanitarian aid in Gaza, the release of all hostages as well as compliance with the International Court of Justice ruling and with international humanitarian law.

The letter states that since the October 7th attack in Israel, in which an estimated 1,200 people died and up to 138 hostages remain held by Hamas, over 28,000 people have been killed in Gaza during Israel's offensive there.

Cllr Walker said:

“The deputation outlined the great concern of people in our community regarding the continuing conflict in Gaza.

“Over 28,000 people have been killed in Gaza, including more than 11,500 children. To put this into context, this is more than the entire primary school population of Worthing.

“Over 63,000 people in Gaza have been injured, but only four out of 40 hospitals remain partially functioning in the Gaza Strip, so access to medical care is severely limited.

“Local groups have been established to show solidarity with the Palestinian people, with vigils and events well attended, demonstrating the strength of feeling among our community on this issue.

“Our community is clear in its frustration at the lack of an adequate governmental response so it is only right that I should express their anger to Whitehall and demand action now.”

Photo: Worthing Town Hall

Worthing Town Hall (in shadow)


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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