New community leisure vision for Adur Rec

Released: Wednesday, 08 November 2023

Adur Recreation Ground could be transformed for the community with a new bike park designed for people of all ages.

The vision has been proposed by Shoreham Bike Park CIC, a not-for-profit community interest company after we asked local groups to come up with ideas

The new park would fill a spot at the north end of the rec, creating an exciting new community leisure hub on what is currently an underused piece of land. The hope is to create a unique, multi-use bike park to cater for all ages and abilities that challenges different cycling disciplines. The park would also create a free, active leisure opportunity for locals whilst encouraging cycling as a sustainable mode of transport.

The proposed design includes up to five different areas, including a beginner and main pump track for practising momentum, balance and speed, as well as dirt jumps for tricks and a skills trail for mountain bikes. The project will also involve upgrading footpaths in the area, which the Environment Agency say would strengthen the riverbank flood defences.

The council has chosen Shoreham Bike Park CIC as the intended operator, so a conditional lease will be granted. This gives Shoreham Bike Park CIC the opportunity to begin securing the money needed for this ambitious project.

The conditional lease means that the project will go ahead subject to funding and any required consents. Should Shoreham Bike Park CIC fail to raise the necessary funds to deliver the project, the land will be returned to the council.

Cllr Emma Evans, Adur's cabinet member for the environment and leisure, said:

“We encouraged local organisations to come forward with their suggestions for this site in order to repurpose the land in a way that would directly benefit the local community.

“The proposed bike park would be an excellent way to transform this underused slice of land into something that benefits local people, and which would encourage our community to stay active and enjoy being outdoors.”

Seb Tucknott, the founder of Shoreham Bike Park CIC, said:

“We are delighted that Adur District Council has selected our proposal for Shoreham Bike Park for Adur Recreation Ground. We have worked really hard to get to this stage, and are incredibly grateful for all the support we've had so far from the local community.

“We look forward to working with Adur District Council and the wider community to bring our vision to reality.”

Image: Proposed design for Adur Recreation Ground bike park

PR23-156 - Proposed design for Adur Recreation Ground bike park


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