Lancing playground to be transformed using funding from developers

Released: Friday, 13 October 2023

Adur District Council will use around £100,000 of funding from developers to give a Lancing playground a much-needed upgrade.

The old play equipment at Shadwells Road open space will be replaced to create a playground that better serves the community and meets the needs of local children.

The new playground will be dynamic and inclusive, meeting the play needs of a wide range of age groups and featuring equipment to benefit children with a range of disabilities. 

The work will be paid for using Section 106 contributions paid as part of the agreement for the construction of the New Monks Park development nearby. Section 106 agreements mean that developers building in the local area make financial contributions to the council to fund projects that will benefit the local community. 

The decision to upgrade the park follows residents having their say on the community as part of the Lancing: Now and into the Future project which launched last year.

Residents said that they wanted to see more projects that directly benefit local people, and highlighted that creating better green spaces in the area was a key priority for them. 

Lancing: Now and into the Future is part of our commitment to work with and for the community to prioritise projects which meet residents' needs and aspirations. 

Our park rangers team consulted with locals, including those who use the play area, to ask them what kinds of play equipment they prefer. This will be the basis for the design of the new play area, and further consultation will be undertaken on the tendered designs as part of the overall selection process. 

The park rangers will keep in touch with residents to keep them informed about how the project is progressing. 

Cllr Emma Evans, Adur's cabinet member for the environment and leisure, said:

“The current play equipment at Shadwells Road is dated and we know from our conversations with residents that upgrading areas like this is a real priority for them.

“This project will give a new lease of life to a valued community park, and provide a new, free leisure opportunity for local families to enjoy.”

To find out more about Lancing: Now and into the Future see:

Photo: The existing play facilities at Shadwells Road open space

PR23-139 - The existing play facilities at Shadwells Road open space


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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