Businesses in Adur and Worthing to get more tailored support

Released: Wednesday, 04 October 2023

Adur & Worthing Councils are set to invest over £470,000 in local businesses with a series of new support measures.

The business support package has been developed in partnership with local businesses and organisations and will include a mix of one-to-one support, workshops and grants that aim to help boost growth.

Designed specifically for businesses in Adur and Worthing, the package of support will encourage start-ups, help employers train their staff in leadership and management, provide advice on innovation, sustainability and carbon reduction measures, and help link businesses more closely with the community.

The support programme will run from January 2024 until December 2025 and will be paid for with money from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund awarded by central government, Section 106 contributions from developers and pooled business rates as part of a national retention scheme. As well as mentoring and workshops, match-funding grants of up to £1,000 will be available for businesses to bid for.

The comprehensive package will help fill the gap left by Sussex-wide programmes that have come to an end or are due to end soon, including the Business Hothouse programme run by the University of Chichester, the Rise programme organised jointly by the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex, and the Low Carbon Across the South and East (LoCASE) scheme, paid for by the European Regional Development fund.

The new package will be tailored to businesses in Adur and Worthing and developed from direct conversations with local businesses. The councils also took steps to ensure that the support package did not duplicate other help available by consulting partner organisations including the Lancing Business Improvement District (BID), Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce, Adur & Worthing Business Partnership, local traders' associations, Worthing Town Centre BID, the Federation of Small Businesses and West Sussex County Council.

Cllr Steve Neocleous, Adur's Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategic Planning, said:

“Businesses have faced enormous challenges in recent years due to Covid, the war in Ukraine and an uncertain economy. Despite these pressures, Adur has a thriving community of businesses and this package of measures will help ensure their continued success as well as help develop sustainable ways of working.”

Cllr Dr Beccy Cooper, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, said:

“We know how important local businesses are to our local economy and to build thriving local communities. Their input and insight on how the cost of living crisis has affected them has been invaluable in the development of this business package. We have built a range of support that focuses on challenges that businesses are actually facing that is designed to create an innovative and productive environment and provide confidence to local start-up businesses.”

To register your interest please see:

Photo: Lancing Business Park, aerial view (credit - Lancing Business Improvement District)

Lancing Business Park, aerial view (credit - Lancing Business Improvement District)

Photo: Lancing Business Park, entrance sign (credit - Lancing Business Improvement District)

Lancing Business Park, entrance sign (credit - Lancing Business Improvement District)

Photo: Warwick Street, Worthing

Warwick Street, Worthing


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Page last updated: 10 September 2024

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