Worthing Borough Council to work with Homes England on Teville Gate redevelopment

Released: Wednesday, 13 September 2023

We are going to work with Homes England on plans to create urgently-needed sustainable new homes at Teville Gate.

The Council's Cabinet last night agreed to proposals to sell the derelict site to the Government's housing and regeneration agency so it can be transformed using Government funding.

The contract for the sale of the land could be completed by the end of the year, once Homes England has completed its due diligence and obtained approvals on the arrangement.

We want a minimum of 250 homes to be built on the site in a modern, sustainable development that is environmentally-friendly.

Cllr Caroline Baxter, Worthing's Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said:

“Homes England can really kick-start this key site by securing a development for the benefit of the whole community.

“We will be seeking to ensure that the new scheme includes a mix of homes including social housing and homes for sale which genuinely benefit people from our local area who may otherwise have to live in other areas outside Worthing.

“There have been too many false starts at Teville Gate. This is our chance to regenerate this important site with new homes, new hope and new vitality for our town.”

Ken Glendinning, Homes England's Director - Acquisitions and Partnering, said:

“We are pleased to be working with the Council to help unlock potential investment in Teville Gate. This housing-led regeneration will be supported by the recently launched Brownfield Infrastructure Fund.

“This will enable local economic growth and long-term housing supply. Homes England's aspirations for quality design and place-making aligns with the Council's aspirations for green space and encouraging active travel in the delivery of this key stalled development site.”

As well as developing a blueprint for the site, we will also have to find a new location in the area to use as HMRC car parking. Currently we lease land to the north of Teville Gate for 50 parking spaces for HMRC staff.

Photo: Aerial view of the Teville Gate site in Worthing

Aerial view of the Teville Gate site in Worthing


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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