Transforming Worthing's Union Place - your chance to feedback on new designs

Released: Thursday, 27 July 2023

Proposals to transform Union Place have been amended after feedback from our local communities. You can now have your say on the new designs before they go forward for planning application.

The new design prioritises genuinely affordable homes and homes for social rent in order to meet the needs of local residents, whilst giving the town centre an economic boost with new commercial spaces. 

Each building in the development will be highly sustainable, being either connected to the Worthing heat network or using air source heat pumps to ensure low carbon emissions. 

Plans for the wider site include returning Union Place to being a tree lined avenue, with a community of interlinking gardens to increase the greenery and biodiversity in the town centre. Historic street frontages along High Street and Union Place will also be repaired. 

Working as a joint venture with local contractor Roffey Homes, the Council will share the cost of the ambitious project in order to ensure high quality, environmentally friendly architecture, and to maximise the number of homes delivered. 

Cllr Caroline Baxter, Worthing's Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said:

“The Union Place development, and our partnership with experienced local partner Roffey Homes, is a fantastic opportunity to provide high-quality, energy-efficient and genuinely affordable homes for Worthing residents. 

“As well as providing much-needed housing for our town, the development will have an emphasis on environmentally friendly, energy efficient infrastructure, in order to help us meet our net-zero goals and ensure that homes are cheap to run.” 

The deadline for feedback is Friday 11th August 2023.

To see the new design for Union Place, and have your say, see: 

Photos: The Union Place site in Worthing

The Union Place site in Worthing (looking across the site)

The Union Place site in Worthing (looking across the site from above)


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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