Adur & Worthing Councils helps promote local employment with career development scheme

Released: Monday, 10 July 2023

Businesses and students are being brought together to help develop the future workforce, thanks to a new scheme funded by Adur & Worthing Councils.

The Fit for the Future programme has been launched by the Councils in partnership with Coast to Capital Careers Hub and The Careers & Enterprise Company to encourage young people to recognise their skills and help local businesses promote their industry and future job opportunities.

Careers advisors at a number of schools across Adur and Worthing have been trained to deliver the Fit for the Future programme and are being encouraged to connect with local businesses to deliver talks to students from Year 8 to Year 13.

Businesses including HMRC and The Factory Live have committed to taking part in the scheme and, as well as funding the project, Adur & Worthing Councils delivered the first session as a local employer at St Andrew's CE High School in Worthing last Monday (3rd July 2023).

Staff from the Councils' legal, events, democratic and coastal surveying departments spoke to students about their specific roles as well as the responsibilities of a local authority and other career paths available.

Students were also encouraged to identify their own skills and qualities and how to highlight them on a CV, as well as practice on asking employers questions to develop their interview skills.

Natascha McNaught, Assistant Headteacher at St Andrew's CE High School, said:

“The programme allowed our students to match the skills they learn in school to specific careers they had not previously thought about pursuing. It also gave them an insight into what those job roles actually entail, and the opportunity to ask questions to people in those roles.”

Cllr Kevin Boram, Adur's Cabinet Member for Communities and Wellbeing, said:

“Helping young people develop their skills and learn more about the employment opportunities in our area is extremely important for our local economy. We hope to see more schools and businesses take up this opportunity in the new school year.”

Cllr Rosey Whorlow, Worthing's Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, said:

“The Fit for the Future programme is a great opportunity for local businesses to showcase what they do and for young people to gain confidence by interacting with employers as they start to think about the exciting opportunities that lay ahead of them.”

Employers in Adur and Worthing that want to get involved can find out more by emailing:

Photo: Coastal Surveyor, Aiden Higginbotham (right), speaking to students about his role at Adur & Worthing Councils

PR23-093 - Coastal Surveyor, Aiden Higginbotham (right), speaking to students about his role at Adur & Worthing Councils


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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