Consultations - Licensing Act 2003
Below is a list of the applications under the Licensing Act 2003 that are outstanding and other licensing policy documents that the councils are currently consulting on or awaiting hearings.
These are the recently received applications for new licences/registrations and applications to vary existing licences/registrations:
All the applications and policy documents can be viewed in full at the Licensing Unit. All licensing hearings are held, in public, at the Shoreham Centre or Worthing Town Hall unless otherwise noted.
Under the Act minor variation applications cannot be dealt with at hearing but for:
- new premises licence applications
- new club premises certificate applications
- full variations to existing licences
For those that receive relevant representations from 'responsible authorities' and/or any other person, and mediation is unsuccessful or impractical, a hearing is required.
For a guide to making effective representations, see:
For a review of a premises licence, or a club premises certificate, a hearing must be held. See:
A summary of all the applications recently dealt with for:
- new premises licences and club premises certificates
- variations and Minor Variations to existing licences and certificates
- reviews of existing licences and certificates
- for details see: Completed Licensing Act & Gambling Act licence applications and Public Registers of Licences
All relevant representations received regarding a Licensing Act 2003 application will be forwarded unredacted to the applicant as required by the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005 and the Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 (December 2023) issued by the Home Office. This will include a representor's name, address and contact details. The Licensing Act 2003 encourages mediation and an applicant will be encouraged to contact representors directly to discuss the application and mediate.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application made under the Licensing Act 2003 and the maximum fine for which a person is liable is £5,000 on summary conviction for the offence.
New Premises Licence at:
Wine Me Up
An application for a new premises licence for a convenience store known as 'Wine Me Up'. The store is situated at 29 Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5WA.
The application sought authorisation for the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises:
- Alcohol sales:
- 06:00hrs to 23:00hrs Monday - Sunday
- Opening to the public:
- 06:00hrs to 23:00hrs Monday - Sunday
The applicant offered a set of conditions to address the licensing conditions.
Licence holder and applicant: Turkish Mini Market Ltd.
Consultation closes: Monday 17 February 2025
Committee Hearing: Cancelled
The application was rejected on the grounds that it had not been properly made after the applicant failed to display the required public notice or advertise the application in accordance with the Licensing Act regulations.
New Premises Licence at:
Melon Music
An application for a new premises licence for a proposed new outdoor music venue to be known as 'Melon Music'. The venue is to be situated at Southwick Beach car park (adjacent to Carats Café), Southwick Beach, Portslade, BN41 1WD.
The application is seeking authorisation for up to 4 music events to be staged between 1st June & 30th September each year for an audience of up to 4,800 ticket holders. The application is also seeking authorisation for events on Bank holidays, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday and Halloween (31st October). The events will include the licensable activities the sale of alcohol for consumption on & off the premises and the provision of regulated entertainment:
- Sale of alcohol:
- 10:00hrs to 23:00hrs Friday & Saturday
- Live music, recorded music & performance of dance:
- 10:00hrs to 23:00hrs Friday & Saturday
- Opening to the public:
- 10:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday
The application includes a comprehensive operating schedule to address the licensing objectives.
Licence holder and applicant: Melon Music Ltd.
Consultation closes: Monday 10 March 2025
Committee Hearing: Scheduled for Wednesday 02 April 2025 @ 19:00hrs if required
New Premises Licence at:
Aydo - International Supermarkets
An application for a new premises licence for a grocery store/local supermarket to be known as 'Aydo - International Supermarkets’. The store is to be situated at 38-42 Portland Road, Worthing, BN11 1QN.
The application sought authorisation for the sale of alcohol and late-night refreshment for consumption off the premises:
- Sale of alcohol:
- 10:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Monday - Saturday
- 10:00hrs to 23:00hrs Sunday
- Late night refreshment:
- 23:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Monday - Saturday
- Opening to the public:
- 07:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Monday - Saturday
- 07:00hrs to 23:00hrs Sunday
The applicant offered a set of conditions in the operating schedule to address the licensing objectives.
Licence holder and applicant: Mr Aydin Unat
Consultation closes: Wednesday 8 January 2025
Committee Hearing: Held on Tuesday 04 February 2025
Three relevant representations were received during consultation. From a responsible authority, Sussex Police, and two members of the public.
The Licensing Act 2003 encourages mediation and this was embarked on but only partially successful. Therefore the application was referred to a Licensing Sub-Committee to consider and determine.
At the hearing the Sub-Committee considered all the written representations and heard statements from the applicant.
It resolved that a premises licence should be granted as applied for and to include the conditions that were agreed with Sussex Police during mediation covering:
- Digital CCTV provision.
- Staff Training requirements.
- Refusals & Incident recording logs.
- Challenge 25 age verification scheme provision.
The grant of the licence also to be subject to all the mandatory conditions required by the Licensing Act 2003 and all other relevant legislation.
The Sub-Committee considered carefully the evidence before them. Following successful mediation with the applicant Sussex Police had subsequently withdrawn their representation. The Committee considered the representations that had been made by two members of the public. However, with the conditions detailed in the operating schedule and the conditions agreed with Sussex Police the sub-committee was of the opinion that the licensing objectives would not be undermined and that if the licensing objectives were to be undermined the licence could be subject to a review.
Variation to the Premises Licence at:
An application for a 'full variation' to the premises licence at 'Spun'. The store & cafe is situated at 1 Portland Square, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1QH.
Previously the licence had authorised the sale of alcohol for consumption on & off the premises between 12:00hrs and 22:30hrs Monday to Saturday and 12:00hrs and 15:30hrs Sunday. Live & recorded music were provided under an exemption under the act that allows premises licensed for the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises to provide the entertainment whilst alcohol sales are licensed & provided. (subject to a limit of 08:00hrs - 23:00hrs & a max. audience of 500 persons)
The application sought to vary the existing licence to authorise an extension of the hours for the sale of alcohol and to authorise the provision of live music, recorded music & late night refreshment.
- Alcohol Sales for consumption on & off the premises:
- 12:00hrs to 23:30hrs Thursday
- 12:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday and
- 12:00hrs to 18:30hrs Sunday
- Live music, recorded music:
- 23:00hrs to 23:30hrs Thursday
- 23:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday
- Late-night refreshment:
- 23:00hrs to 23:30hrs Thursday
- 23:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday
- Opening to the public:
- 10:00hrs to 23:00hrs Monday - Wednesday
- 10:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Thursday
- 10:00hrs to 00:30hrs (of the following morning) Friday & Saturday
- 10:00hrs to 19:00hrs Sunday
All other terms of licence to remain unchanged.
Licence holder and applicant: Mr Danny Giles & Mr Robert Watson
Consultation closes: Monday 13 January 2025
Committee Hearing: Held on Tuesday 04 February 2025
Eight relevant representations were received during consultation from members of the public/local residents. The Licensing Act 2003 encourages mediation and this was embarked on but only partially successful. Therefore, the application was referred to a Licensing & Control Sub-Committee hearing to consider and determine.
At the hearing the Sub-Committee considered all the written representations and heard statements from the applicant and representors. During the hearing the applicant confirmed that during mediation conditions covering:
- Worthing Pubwatch membership.
- Control measures to minimise noise from the premises including insulation, sound system and signage.
- Control measures regarding the use of the outside forecourt.
- Resident notification and consultation regarding larger events.
had been offered and he volunteered these for inclusion in any licence that may be granted.
Having heard all the information provided the Sub-Committee resolved that the variation to the premises licence should be granted subject to the additional conditions volunteered by the applicant at the hearing and three additional conditions it imposed.
The Sub-Committee considered carefully the evidence before them and the representations made by the applicant and 8 members of the public. The committee accept that Spun has on occasion caused a noise nuisance to residents through the music that has been played at the venue. However, it was not accepted that by increasing the hours proposed for the sale of alcohol and late-night refreshment that there would be an impact on the residents bearing in mind the opening hours of the other establishments selling alcohol in this immediate area.
Committee members were concerned that by increasing the provision of live & recorded music that this could impact on the public nuisance of noise but felt that the extra conditions offered by the applicant should negate the issue, especially taking into the account that the noise was worse in the summer months.
Regard was had to the Licensing Act's Statutory Guidance that stipulated that a licence should be granted if conditions can be added which would address the concerns raised by residents.
The Committee therefore granted the variation subject to the additional conditions volunteered by the applicant and the following imposed conditions:
- All doors and windows are to remain closed after 23:00hrs save for customer access.
- No drinks are to be consumed outside on the designate forecourt after 22:30hrs on any evening.
- The outside bottle bins are not to be used after 22:00hrs on any evening.
Believing that these conditions should restrict the noise from escaping from the premises and therefore not undermine the licensing objectives.
New Premises Licence at:
Soundcheck Rock & Metal Bar
An application for a new premises licence for a bar and music venue to be known as the 'Soundcheck Rock & Metal Bar'. The venue to be situated at 40 Marine Parade, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3QA.
The application seeks to authorise the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises and the provision of regulated entertainment:
- Alcohol sales:
- 12:00hrs to 23:00hrs Sunday - Thursday
- 12:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday
- Live music:
- 12:00hrs to 23:00hrs Sunday - Saturday
- Recorded music:
- 12:00hrs to 23:00hrs Sunday - Thursday
- 12:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday
- Performance of dance:
- 20:00hrs to 23:00hrs Sunday - Thursday
- 20:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday
- Opening to the public:
- 12:00hrs to 23:00hrs Sunday - Thursday
- 12:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Friday & Saturday
The applicant has offered a set of conditions to address the licensing conditions.
Licence holder and applicant: Soundcheck Rock & Metal Bars Ltd.
Consultation closes: Wednesday 5 February 2025
Committee Hearing: Scheduled for Tuesday 04 March 2025 @ 18:30hrs if required.
Four relevant representations were received during consultation. The Licensing Act encourages mediation and this will now be embarked on. If unsuccessful the application will be referred to a Licensing & Control Sub-Committee for consideration as detailed above.
New Premises Licence at:
Cloud Finder
An application for a new premises licence for a new Vape Store & Off Licence to be known as 'Cloud Finder'. The store is to be situated at 6 Wallace Parade, Goring Road, Worthing, BN12 4AL.
The application seeks to authorise the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises:
- Alcohol sales:
- 09:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Sunday - Thursday
- 09:00hrs to 02:00hrs (of the following morning) Friday & Saturday
- Opening to the public:
- 09:00hrs to 00:00hrs (midnight) Sunday - Thursday
- 09:00hrs to 02:00hrs (of the following morning) Friday & Saturday
The applicant has offered a set of conditions to address the licensing conditions.
Licence holder and applicant: Cloud Finder Ltd.
Consultation closes: Wednesday 5 March 2025
Committee Hearing: Scheduled for Tuesday 01 April 2025 @ 18:30hrs if required.
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Licensing Unit, Public Health & Regulation
Page last updated: 13 February 2025