Licences issued by West Sussex County Council

The following licences are all dealt with, or issued by, West Sussex County Council (WSCC):

Highway licences

You need a licence to place or operate any of the following on a highway:

For further information on applying for any of the above, please see:

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Dropped kerbs and highway crossovers

You need a licence to create a dropped kerb, or widen an existing one, to allow you to access your driveway from the road. The pavement may also need strengthening to protect any services buried in the ground underneath, such as water pipes.

For more information please see:

As well as needing a licence, you may require planning permission for the dropped kerb, which is a separate process, if any of the following apply:

  • your property is divided into flats
  • your property is in a conservation area and there would be a need to remove a gate, pillar, wall or fence over 1m high
  • the dropped kerb is going to be installed on an A, B or C class road

You can check the classification of your road via the following link:

See also:

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Scaffolding licences

A licence is required from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to erect scaffolding on a public highway. Private roads where the public have a right of way to use them will also require a licence.

A minimum of five working days' advance notice from the date of application to the date the scaffolding will be erected.

For more information please see:

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Skip licences

Before placing skips on a highway or private street, it is the skip operator's responsibility to obtain a skip licence. Private roads where the public have a right of way to use them will require a licence.

For more information please see:

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Births, getting married, citizenship ceremonies, deaths, copy certificates and nationality checking

Please see:

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Other licences issued by WSCC:

Child work permits, child performance licences and chaperone licences, see:

Fireworks and explosives licences, see:

Information about all other licences dealt with by WSCC can be found by:

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Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:

Page last updated: 04 March 2025

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