Taxi and private hire trade information
Latest news
Latest travel and roadworks news and updates:
Chatsworth Road, Worthing
Road closure 12th February to 5th March 2025:
As a result of unforeseen engineering difficulties during construction works taking place on High Street, Worthing we have been informed that the contractors Hemiko, are introducing a 21-day closure of the junction from Chatsworth Road onto High Street. Entry into Chatsworth Road may still be possible with the support of their on-site traffic management team and traffic will be able to exit the High Street multi-storey car park as usual.
They are introducing a 21-day closure of the junction from Chatsworth Road onto High Street, taking effect from 12th February to 5th March 2025 and includes the changing of the direction of the traffic flow on Chatsworth Road. Vehicles will now travel westbound to exit the High Street multi-storey car park. Eastbound travel will only be permitted for delivery and logistics vehicles dropping off at the Guildbourne Centre. Vehicles will not be able to travel eastbound from Chapel Road to High Street via Chatsworth Road.
Hemiko have included an explanation as to why the changes have been made, what diversion route has been put in place, how you or businesses might be affected, and who you can speak to if you would like more information or want to provide feedback. More information can be found in the attached:
The latest traffic reports can be found live on the One Platform website which allows you to plan, monitor, communicate and analyse traffic disruptions in the local area:
The Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) consultation section on the West Sussex County Council (WSCC) website includes plans showing new restrictions, public notices and statement of reasons for proposing orders:
Taxi Trade Liaison Group (and meetings)
Important notice for all taxi and private hire licence holders: The Taxi Licensing Team has permanently relocated to the councils' site at 9 Commerce Way, Lancing Business Park, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 8TA. All contact details remain unchanged.
Driver & operator licence enquiries, vehicle licence inspections, and all other taxi enquiries & applications: are now processed at Commerce Way, Lancing.
Commerce Way appointments: to see a member of the taxi licensing team you must get an appointment. If you are attending an appointment:
- you enter through the site gates, at the end of the road, and park in the dedicated taxi bay directly opposite the entrance. If occupied you must reverse park in the visitor bays on the right of the gate entrance.
- you can stay in your vehicle and telephone the licensing office on 01273 263144 for an officer to meet you at the vehicle, or you can go to the main reception and use the buzzer on the reception desk to notify the taxi team that you are there. An officer will attend as soon as possible
- there is a manned reception (9am to 5pm) but taxi officers work on a strict appointment only basis. Callers without an appointment are unlikely to be seen by a taxi licensing officer.
- Find the Adur & Worthing Taxi Offices in Commerce Way, Lancing - on Google Maps
If you have any questions or require an appointment: then do not hesitate to contact the licensing office at:
- or phone: 01273 263146
Notice to the Worthing Hackney Carriage Trade
Hackney Carriage Fare table increase.
On 10th February 2025 the council decided, in accordance with its powers under section 65 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, to increase the tariff charged by Hackney Carriages as detailed below:
No objection to the new tariff was received during the public consultation, therefore, the new tariff shall take effect on or thereafter 7th March 2025.
The A&W taxi team have organiser the meter companies to be available to install the tariff on WBC Hackney Carriage vehicle meters and the Worthing Hackney Carriage trade have been notified by email. The tariff update will take place at Brooklands West Car Park, Brighton Road, Worthing, from 10:30am to 12:30pm on Thursday 13th March 2025.
Trade meetings
The councils' licensing unit regularly holds meetings with both the Adur and Worthing hackney carriage and private hire trades.
Discussions at these meetings can range from changes in legislation to local communication between the councils, trade and public. Recent discussions have included congestion, air pollution, wheelchair accessible vehicles, a disabled user's charter and unlicensed activity.
All licensed drivers, proprietors and operators are invited. Guests at meetings may include local councillors, trade union representatives, the Highways Agency and other organisations.
A date for the next meeting is to be announced.
Transport for the South East: Transport strategy
Transport for the South East is the sub-national transport body for the south east of England. Its purpose is to determine what investment is needed to transform our region's transport system and drive economic growth. Transport for the South East was established to determine what transport infrastructure is needed to boost the region's economy.
The partnership is made up of:
- 16 local authorities
- five local enterprise partnerships
- plus representatives of district and borough authorities, protected landscapes and national delivery agencies
The transport strategy for a more connected, productive and sustainable south east can be found on the:
Department for Transport: taxi and private hire statistics
The Department for Transport releases the official taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) statistics each year that give some interesting insights into the hackney carriage and private hire industry.
You can read the 2024 report:
Decarbonising transport
HM Government's new plans for decarbonisation of transport in Britain can be found at:
Safer travel at night - advice for drivers
Adur & Worthing Councils are working closely with the police to keep people safe when they are travelling, and to crack down on any illegal taxi and private hire activity that puts passengers at risk.
The trade is well aware of the dangers to the public posed by unlicensed vehicles and un-booked private hire vehicles. Our licensing officers work alongside the police to carry out vehicle and driver licensing checks, visit private hire operators, engage with the public and undertake other activities to detect drivers who are breaking the law.
The councils, when possible, will emphasis to the public the risks of using an un-booked private hire vehicle - including unlicensed bogus cabs and licensed private hire drivers who are touting or illegally plying for hire.
Un-booked private hire vehicles are illegal, not insured to carry passengers, and pose a serious risk to their passengers - including serious crimes such as robbery, rape and serious sexual offences.
The annual 'Getting Home Safely' campaign provides information on the rules for using taxi and private hire vehicles and encourages the public to use taxis or booked, licensed private hire vehicles.
As a licensed taxi or private hire driver you have a responsibility for ensuring that your passengers are safe when travelling in your vehicle. The way you interact with your customers affects the way that a customer feels about the journey they make with you. We expect the highest standards of conduct from licensed taxi and private hire drivers.
No form of sexual conduct between a licensed driver and a passenger is ever acceptable, even if it is consensual. Avoid any behaviour that could be considered to be of a sexual nature, no matter how well intentioned or harmless you think it is, as it will not be tolerated. This includes commenting on someone's appearance or looking at a passenger in a way that could make them feel uncomfortable.
We take this issue extremely seriously:
- all complaints and reports to us or the police will be fully investigated and appropriate action will be taken
- a driver will lose their licence if they are found to have acted in an inappropriate way towards a passenger
If you see or hear of any inappropriate driver behaviour, you can report it by:
- calling our customer complaint line on 01273 263144
- or email us on
If you feel a customer may be in immediate danger, call 999.
Badges and driver IDs
Please remember that taxi drivers must wear their badge, and private hire drivers must wear their driver ID, at all times while working. This is a public safety issue as it is an important way for members of the public to identify you as a licensed driver.
The councils will take action against drivers who do not clearly display their badge or driver ID. If you are found to be working without your badge or driver ID, this breach of compliance may be subject to penalties and may lead to licensing action.
Cross-border hiring
Currently, private hire vehicles (PHVs) can undertake bookings anywhere in England and Wales, provided:
- the vehicle, driver and operator are licensed by the same licensing authority
- the booking is accepted by the operator within this authority, regardless of where the driver and vehicle are physically located
This is commonly referred to as the 'triple licensing requirement' and could cause significant issues with enforcement, congestion, emissions and parking, as well as creating issues in neighbouring licensing authority areas.
A national change is required to address issues of cross-border hiring which will otherwise further contribute to enforcement, congestion, pollution and parking issues.
The councils do not have powers to restrict this type of cross-border operation and are currently raising these concerns with government to ensure we have appropriate controls.
Hate crime - report it!
What is a hate crime?
A hate crime is any crime that is targeted at a person because of a hostility or prejudice towards that person because of:
- religion or belief
- disability
- race
- sexual orientation
- trans or gender reassignment, or
- alternative sub-culture
Drivers and the public should not have to tolerate hate crime. You can report an incident online:
- Report hate crime - on the West Sussex County Council website
- Report hate crime - on the Sussex Police website
Please always ring 999 in an emergency.
There is now a compulsory requirement for all Adur and Worthing hackney carriages and private hire vehicles to have CCTV fitted. Both councils' licensing committees having resolved that in the interest of public safety CCTV should be compulsory in all licensed vehicles.
Proprietors should be aware that replacement vehicles and vehicles being licensed for the first time will need to have had CCTV fitted at the time of presentation for licensing.
All CCTV equipment needs to be installed by a registered and approved CCTV installation specialist. A list of installers approved by Adur & Worthing Councils is provided here:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Taxi Licensing, Public Health & Regulation
Page last updated: 07 March 2025