Personal search guidelines
Local Land Charges searches are usually undertaken by solicitors, but you can choose to submit your own search under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR).
A personal search under EIR will not provide you with the same information as is detailed on a CON29 form, and there are some enquiries that can only be answered in the context of a full search. Requests for CON29 information under EIR should be addressed directly to the relevant Council department that holds the original raw data. For contacts details for individual departments please see:
For information on how to submit a local authority search, please see:
How to submit a personal search
EIR search requests must be submitted in writing. You will need to provide your name, address and telephone number, as well as the property search address. Requests will need to be submitted to the relevant address depending on the location of your search address, as detailed below.
For Adur EIR requests:
Information requests should be submitted to both:
- and the Planning Section
You will receive separate responses from each department.
For Worthing EIR requests:
Information requests should be submitted to:
Planning information and applications:
If you require more detailed planning information for Worthing based properties, you can view planning applications on our website:
- View planning applications
- or by using the computer kiosk in the main reception at:
Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1HA
Please note that the online planning history contained on the website is incomplete and it should not be used as a substitute for carrying out a formal Local Land Charges search.
No responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions in the planning history information obtained from electronic sources.
Please contact the Planning team directly for any further information or advice:
Information for all personal search requests
Requests will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis. Once a search has been completed we will send you reports detailing basic information from the Land Charges Register. Information will be made available as soon as possible, and no later than 20 working days after the receipt of the request.
Where there is a query on a batch of EIR requests submitted together on one email, you may wish to consider resubmitting the email without the queried request, so that the other requests can be processed without delay.
Council statutory registers open for public inspection
Listed below are some other Council statutory registers that are open for public inspection during office hours. Please note that an appointment may be necessary and there a charge may be attached to obtaining some information. These registers do not form part of the personal search.
Held at West Sussex County Council (WSCC):
- Register of Maintainable Highways (WSCC)
- Definitive footpath map/public rights of way (WSCC)
- You can view West Sussex County Council's adopted roads map, see:
- Please contact WSCC Local Land Charges department for further information or to order CON29 search responses direct from WSCC, see:
Held at Adur & Worthing Councils:
Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1HA
- Building Control (BC)
- Development Control (DC)
- Public Health & Regulation (PH&R) - was Environmental Health
and includes:
- Public Sewer Maps (BC)
- S.56 Building Act Register (BC)
- Register of Initial Notices (BC)
- Register of Planning Applications/Decisions (DC)
- Contaminated Land (PH&R)
- Environmental Protection Act Part 1 (PH&R)
- Radioactive Substance (PH&R) - please refer to the Environment Agency website
- Food Premises (PH&R):
- Food hygiene and safety for businesses
- Food hygiene and safety for residents
- There is a charge for print-outs, please contact Public Health & Regulation - see also:
Food Standards Agency website
- Hazardous Substances Register (DC)
- Noise Abatement Zones (PH&R) - no register as there are currently no designated zones in Adur or Worthing
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Local Land Charges
Page last updated: 02 October 2024