A to Z: L
If you type the first two letters of the word you are looking for you will jump down (or back up) the A to Z listings to the correct section.
- Lampposts
- Land and property to buy or let
- Land charges
- Land drainage
- Land ownership enquiries
- Landlords Self Service
- Landlord's forum - National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA)
- Landlords - Receiving benefits payments FAQs and Authority to disclose form
- Landlords - Opening Doors Letting Agency
- Languages - Translating our website
- Late night take away licensing
- Lavatories - toilets (public conveniences)
- Lawful Development Certificate
- Lawn bowls
- LDF - Local Development Framework - Adur
- LDF - Local Development Framework - Worthing
- LDS - Local Development Scheme - Adur
- LDS - Local Development Scheme - Worthing
- LEA - Local Education Authority
- LEAP - Local Enterprise and Apprenticeship Platform - Small business and apprenticeship grants
- Leaders of the Councils
- Leasehold Team - Adur Homes
- Leaseholder information - Adur Homes
- Letting Agency - Opening Doors
- Learning and education - schools and special schools
- Leaves:
- Legal advice:
- Legal highs - drugs
- Leisure / Leisure facilities
- Letting of council owned land or property
- Lettings - housing
- Liability statement
- Libraries
- Licences / Licensing and permits
- Licensing committees:
- Lifeboat station / Lighthouse
- Light pollution
- Lights (streetlights & signs) - report a problem
- Like us on Facebook
- Liquor - abuse and support
- Liquor - anti-social behaviour
- Liquor licences
- Listed building consent
- Listed buildings - Adur
- Listed buildings - Worthing
- Listen to our website - accessibility - text to speech
- Litter bins / Litter collection / Littering
- Littering and dog fouling fines
- Livestock - Animal welfare / disease
- Livestock - Agricultural odours/smells - muck spreading
- Living Coast (The) - Biosphere
- Local archives / local history
- Local councillors
- Local Development Framework - Adur
- Local Development Framework - Worthing
- Local Development Scheme - Adur
- Local Development Scheme - Worthing
- Local economy
- Local education authority (LEA)
- Local elections
- Local energy advice partnership (LEAP)
- Local Enterprise and Apprenticeship Platform (LEAP) - Small business and apprenticeship grants
- Local Government Ombudsman
- Local Government Transparency Code / Open data
- Local history groups and societies
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA):
- Local land charges
- Local Nature Reserves (LNRs)
- Local Offer (schools)
- Local Plan - Adur Local Plan 2017
- Local Plan - Worthing Local Plan
- Local Plan - Worthing Local Plan - Saved
- Local Strategic Partnership - Waves Ahead website
- Local statistics
- Local Transport Plan
- Lollipop men and ladies - school crossing patrols - on the WSCC website
- Lone person discount (single person discount) - Council Tax
- Looked after children - children in care - on the WSCC website
- Lost bin
- Lost dogs
- Lotteries and raffles - Licensing
- Loud music - noise complaints
- Lower Super Output Areas (LSAOs)