How to apply for a job
Step by step - how to apply
Step 1:
- Find the job that best suits you from the range of different employment opportunities we offer.
- If you have any questions before applying for the role feel free to contact us either by phone or email - you'll find the contact details for the recruiting manager and HR on the job advert. We are happy to answer any questions to make you feel at ease.
Step 2:
- Fill out our application form online by clicking 'apply online' in the job advert. Depending on the role you will either need to fill in an application form, or complete some details and upload your CV.
- Please ensure you show in the application form how you meet the essential requirements in the person specification.
- Please get in touch with us if you require an offline (paper) application form, different sized font or any other format.
Step 3:
- We might get you to complete an online assessment which could range from a numerical test or a personality questionnaire. This is just so we can see who you are and assess your ability to do the job you're applying for. If you have any additional needs to do the assessments, you can let us know and we will do everything we can to meet your needs. However most of our positions won't require a test.
Step 4:
- You will receive an email from us within a fortnight after the application closing date via email. This will either be to invite you to an interview or to inform you that you have been unsuccessful.
- Let us know if you need any adjustments made for your interview, eg a downstairs accessible room, if a chaperone will attend with you, or if you need longer to complete a test. We are happy to accommodate you.
Step 5:
- Attend your interview!
- If you find you are unwell on your interview date or running late, please contact us so we are aware.
Step 6:
- The interviewing manager will let you know when you can expect to hear back from them. This could be by telephone or email. If you are not successful, you can ask for feedback to improve your chances of success next time.
Applicants with disabilities
Adur & Worthing Councils are a Disability Confident employer and warmly welcomes applications from people with disabilities or who identify as having a disabling barrier, such as autism or dyslexia.
All applicants who indicate that they have a disability and meet the essential criteria for a role will be guaranteed an interview.
Start your job search:
See also:
Need assistance with this service?
Get in touch:
Human Resources (HR)
Job application forms
Page last updated: 31 January 2022