Homeswap & Mutual Exchange

Swap homes with someone

If you are already a council or housing association tenant, you may be able to swap your home with another tenant.

A mutual exchange can be a quicker way of finding a new home than applying for a transfer via the Housing Register, especially if your transfer application is not considered to be high priority.

If you would like to swap homes you will first need to register with a Homeswap scheme. This will enable you to search for other people who are looking to swap homes.

Once you have found a swap you must contact your landlord for permission, before you swap homes.

Who is eligible?

  • you must be a tenant of either a council or housing association
  • you will not usually be allowed to swap homes if you have rent arrears
  • you will not usually be allowed to swap homes to move into a property that is either too large or too small for your family

Find someone to swap with

If you're a social housing tenant you will need to register with an online social housing exchange service for tenants and landlords. You can use one or both of these:

Once you have registered you will be able to search for a suitable exchange. You will only be able to exchange for a property that meets your needs.

Remember that you must have permission from your landlord to swap homes.

Problems registering for an account, or requesting a home swap?

If you are an Adur Homes tenant please contact:
See also: Adur Homes

If you are a Worthing Homes tenant please see:
Find a home - on the Worthing Homes website

If you are a housing association tenant and want to move to Adur or Worthing:
Please speak to your current landlord to find out which schemes are available to you.

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Get in touch:

Page last updated: 14 March 2025

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