Air quality and planning - advice for developers
When planning any development, the impact on air quality needs to be considered. The Development Management system is integral to improving air quality and air quality is a material consideration in determining applications.
Local authorities across Sussex have developed planning guidance to help developers assess and mitigate any potential impact that new developments may have on local air quality.
The guidance deals with the pollutants regulated by local authorities and includes advice on the steps required to assess and mitigate the impact that new developments may have on local air quality.
Developers shall follow this guidance and contact us as early as possible during the planning application process to discuss any site-specific considerations. This will help avoid any unnecessary delays. See:
For more information regarding air quality considerations and planning please see:
Cooking odours and kitchen ventilation
We have produced guidance for commercial catering odour treatment and ventilation.
The guidance contains information on what you should consider when planning any kitchen extract and ventilation and the information that you should submit for approval by the authority before you install any ventilation plant at your premises.
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Page last updated: 14 November 2024