A to Z: E
If you type the first two letters of the word you are looking for you will jump down (or back up) the A to Z listings to the correct section.
- Eco-friendly:
- Economic Development:
- Economic Strategy
- Elected Mayor - petitioning for
- Elected representatives - councillors and MPs
- Elections & Voting
- Election and canvass staff vacancies
- Electoral register
- Electric charging points - cars
- Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme
- Electrolysis licensing
- Elderly:
- Assisted recycling and waste collection
- Bus pass - concessionary travel
- Community alarm and telecare
- Handyman service
- Housing - Extra care housing
- Housing - Sheltered housing
- Housing - Supported housing
- Meals on wheels
- Railcard - concessionary travel
- Social care
- Taxi vouchers - concessionary travel
- Transport - accessible
- Emergencies - preparing for
- Emergency contact details
- Emergency school closure alerts - on the WSCC website
- Employing apprentices
- Employment Land Review - Adur
- Employment Land Review - Worthing
- Employment opportunities - jobs
- Empty property - vacant and disused
- Empty property - Council Tax
- Empty property rates - Business Rates
- Energy advice - bills, savings, grants and energy efficiency advice
- Energy Switch - Saving money on your energy bills
- Enforcement:
- Engagement - consultation
- English National Bus Pass
- Entertainment licensing
- Environment - pollution
- Environment Agency - on the GOV.UK website
- Environmental Health (Public Health & Regulation) - for residents
- Environmental Health (Public Health & Regulation) - for businesses