Community participation

Supporting and enabling inclusive and resilient community participation

We have learnt a lot about where we need to focus future resources to support and enable inclusive and resilient community participation thanks to the great involvement of local people and community groups in November's survey:

More than 90 people took part in the survey - sharing nearly 150 personal stories about including and involving others and overcoming challenges, and 200 wishes for the future. In addition, we carried out 15 hours of interviews, observation with community leaders and support organisations to gather further insight.

In December, we shared the early findings from the survey over two sessions at The Shoreham Centre. Survey participants, grassroots community leaders and support organisations came together to make sense of the data and identify key areas for future focus together with our councillors.

Over the two sessions we identified four principles to guide the future focus of our support for community participation and enterprise:

  • root future support in people and places
  • relationships are the engine of change
  • experiment with practical action using a 'test and learn' approach
  • protect and strengthen volunteering, community spaces and support

You can read all of the insights from this discovery work with community participants here:

What's new?

To respond to the needs and wishes set out in the discovery report we are now commissioning a new model of infrastructure support for 2025 to 2028.

The focus of the new infrastructure will be on:

  • involving and including more diverse groups of people in neighbourhood action and community participation
  • developing the use of digital tools to unlock connection, collaboration and sharing of resources in the neighbourhood and beyond
  • developing healthy democratic spaces where residents and communities can work with elected representatives for positive change at the neighbourhood, local and regional levels

To see how community participation has influenced the design of new infrastructure support see:

To express an interest in bidding for this contract please go to the:

What's next?

In February 2025, we began the tender process to appoint a partner who will develop the new infrastructure model from July 2025. The tender process:

  • 4th February: issue of contract notice, technical pack and standard selection questionnaire (SQ)
  • 24th February (midday): deadline for responses from interested parties to SQ
  • 3rd March: evaluation of SQ responses and issue of notification to shortlisted bidders
  • 11th March:  issue of invitation to tender (ITT) to shortlisted bidders
  • 31st March (midday):  deadline for receipt of tenders
  • w/c 31st March: evaluation of tenders
  • 21st April: issue of award notification letters to bidders
  • 26th April: appointment of preferred bidder

We will keep you updated on the outcome of this process and next steps on this page.

In the meantime, we will be working with Community Works (our current infrastructure partner), to understand the impact of the change and how best to transition support for local voluntary and community groups as we move to a new infrastructure model.


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Page last updated: 07 February 2025

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