A to Z: C
If you type the first two letters of the word you are looking for you will jump down (or back up) the A to Z listings to the correct section.
- CAB - Citizens Advice Bureau website
- Cabinet: Adur and Worthing committee structure
- Cabinet Members - portfolios, reports and decisions
- Calculator - benefits and bedroom allowance calculators
- Calendar of committee dates
- Camping in public places - Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)
- Canoeing
- Canvass - Annual Electoral Registration Canvass
- Canvass and election vacancies
- Capital Outturn
- Capital Strategy
- Car alarms - noise problems
- Car boot sales
- Car - dumped / abandoned vehicle
- Car parking (car parks and on street)
- Car - untaxed
- Caravan parking
- Caravan sites
- Care and repair (now Adur & Worthing Home improvement assistance)
- Care homes:
- Carers:
- Carer's discount - Council Tax
- Casino licensing
- Cashless parking in Adur car parks
- Cashless parking in Worthing car parks
- Catering - food licences
- Cavity wall insulation grants
- Chairman of Adur District Council
- Chairs and tables - outside seating
- Chamber of Commerce
- Change of address:
- Change of use - Use Classes
- Change your lifestyle - recycling
- Character appraisals - conservation areas
- Charges for Council services
- Charitable relief - business rates
- Charities - Chairman of Adur District Council
- Charities - Mayor of Worthing
- Charity collections - licensing
- Charity waste
- Checks on food premises
- Chemists - find my nearest - on the NHS website
- Chickens - noise problems
- Chief Executive and Senior Managers:
- Child benefit - on the GOV.UK website
- Childcare - nurseries, schools and out of school clubs
- Childcare - social care
- ChildLine website
- Child protection - safeguarding and social care
- Children in care - Looked after children - on the WSCC website
- Children's school holiday activities
- Children's sports activities (see relevant leisure centre)
- Choice Based Lettings
- Christmas and New Year opening hours
- Christmas events and late night shopping in and around Adur and Worthing - on the Time for Worthing website
- Christmas tree recycling
- CIL: Community Infrastructure Levy - Adur
- CIL: Community Infrastructure Levy - Worthing
- Cinema licensing
- Cinemas
- Cissbury Ring
- Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) website
- Civic amenity site (tip / HWRS)
- Civic and ceremonial
- Civic regalia
- Civil ceremonies and weddings
- Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE)
- Civil partnerships
- Classes - Schools
- Classes - Use Classes, change of use
- Clean up - Keeping Adur and Worthing clean and tidy
- Climate Change / Climate emergency
- Climate Assembly (Adur and Worthing)
- Clinical waste - household
- Clinical waste - trade
- Club premises certificate - Licensing Act 2003
- Club premises licences - Register of Clubs : Licensing Act 2003 Register
Coa to Col…
- Coach parking
- Coaches - public transport
- Coaches - sport
- Coast and beaches
- Coastal defences and flooding
- Coastal Office (Beach Office)
- Coastal protection and management
- Coastal West Sussex Local Strategic Statement
- Coastguard
- Coat of Arms
- Cockroaches - pest control
- Code of conduct for councillors
- Cold weather payments - on the GOV.UK website
- Collar and tag - dogs
- Collecting for charity - licensing
- Collection days - recycling and waste
- Collection - missed bins
- Colleges
- Colonnade House Creative Hub
Com to Con…
- Commemorative plaques, memorials and trees
- Comment about the Councils
- Comment on a licensing application
- Comment on a planning application
- Commercial development sites and opportunities
- Commercial property /Commercial property registers
- Commercial Tenant Handbook
- Commercial waste
- Commit to Culture - Cultural Strategy
- Committee dates - Calendar of meetings
- Committee information
- Committee meeting agendas, minutes and reports
- Committee structure diagram
- Communities and wellbeing
- Community alarm and telecare service
- Community associations / Community centres
- Community charge - Council Tax
- Community chest - grants and funding
- Community Covenant
- Community Greenspaces, Garden Share and Community Gardens
- Community grants
- Community group help
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Adur
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Worthing
- Community orchard
- Community Referral - Going Local
- Community Right to Bid
- Community safety
- Community transport
- Community Trigger
- Community Value - assets of
- Community Warm Spaces
- Community wildlife garden
- Complaints about a councillor
- Complaints about the Councils
- Complaints about licensed premises
- Compliments about the Councils
- Composting
- CON29R / CON29O - Local land charges
- Concessionary travel (bus passes, railcards, travel vouchers)
- Concessions - Property to buy or let
- Concessions - Seafront and Town
- Condensation, damp and mould
- Conduct for councillors
- Confidential waste
- Connexions - now the Find-It-Out Centres - on the WSCC Your Space website
- Conservation and Countryside
- Conservation areas - Adur
- Conservation areas - Worthing
- Conservation - trees
- Constituencies:
- Constitutions
- Consultations
- Contact us
- Contaminated land
- Contracts, council contract register
- Controlled parking zones (CPZ) - on street parking
- Control of dogs
Coo to Cov…
- Cookies
- Copy certificates (births, deaths and marriages)
- Copyright and credits
- Core strategy - Adur
- Core strategy - Worthing
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Corporate Directors
- Corporate strategies and policies
- Cost of living support
- Council buildings
- Council business
- Council - committee meetings
- Council - calendar of committee meetings
- Council Contract Register
- Council housing
- Council job vacancies
- Council meetings (asking questions at meetings)
- Councils - neighbouring authorities
- Council Tax:
- Council Tax Support (Benefit):
- Councillors:
- Countryside
- County Councils in Sussex
- County councillors
- County plan / County Planning
- COVID-19 - Coronavirus